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University buildings and property are insured against the usual material damage perils which include:

  • Fire
  • Earthquake
  • Lightning
  • Aircraft
  • Explosion
  • Riot and Civil Commotion
  • Storm and Flood
  • Malicious Damage and Explosion
  • Burst and leaking pipes
  • Theft

Buildings cover

The University Buildings on campus and all buildings off campus owned by the University are insured on a full re-instatement basis.  The Buildings premises include:

  • Landlord’s fixtures and fittings
  • Outbuildings and car parks
  • Roads and pavement (to the extent of our responsibility)
  • Walls, gates, fences and fixed signs
  • Foundations
  • Oil tanks, piping, ducting, cables, wires.

Contents cover

The contents are insured on a new for old basis.  The Contents policy includes:

  • Improvements, alterations and decorations
  • Documents, equipment, furniture, work of arts and silverware

Cover is on a specified perils basis including accidental damage.   Where contents are stored in a basement there is a warranty in place that items be stored on racks or shelves at least 30cm above floor level. 

The Contents policy also extends to cover the following:

  • Contents on temporary loan to us and for which we are responsible up to £150,000 any one loss
  • Contents temporarily removed from the premises but within GB including whilst in transit the following items are covered:  Photographic, scientific, audio visual and similar equipment on field trips up to the maximum value of £150,000 any one trip is covered and £100,000 any one item. 

These are the standard perils that apply to all buildings and covers property and contents for full reinstatement value. Excess on this policy is £50k.

Additional perils and subsidence also apply to certain specified properties. 

This policy covers minor contract works extensions up to £2.5m. Contracts in excess of £2.5m need separate cover. 

University equipment

University equipment is insured anywhere in the world, but is limited to £150,000 for any loss away from the premises either in the UK or overseas, and with a £100,000 single item limit. 

It is possible to get this single item limit increased for specific requirements, but depending on the risk it could be subjected to an additional cost. 

Equipment on loan 

Equipment on loan is automatically covered up to a limit of £250,000. £50k excess.

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