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Travel Insurance

Who is covered?

Queen Mary staff and students are covered for travel insurance whilst on university business. This includes any UK trips which includes an overnight stay and trips overseas. 

Visiting academics, Emeritus Professors or volunteers are covered providing they are travelling on Queen Mary approved business as representatives of the University.

What is covered?

  • Cancellation and Curtailment Expenses - £10,000
  • Personal Liability (Limit of Indemnity) - £5,000,000
  • Medical/Travel/Repatriation Expenses - UNLIMITED
  • Baggage (Single Article Limit £3,000) - £10,000
  • Business Equipment - £5,000

Restrictions and Exclusions:

  • Travelling against medical advice
  • Cancellation claims where circumstances exist prior to trip registration
  • Lifestyle exclusions (claims arising whilst under the influence of drugs/alcohol etc.)
  • Activity exclusions (claims arising from dangerous activities)

Emergency Assistance

The University Travel Insurance is supported by 24 hour emergency assistance operated by LifelinePlus

LifelinePlus – Travelcard pack [PDF 399KB]

Non-emergency claims should be made as soon as possible on return to the UK.  Insurers will require evidence relating to the cause and the claim amount.  Please note that claims for loss of belongings and money will not be settled unless the loss is reported to the local police. 

Under the Medical Expenses claims, the policy only covers reasonable costs necessarily incurred outside the UK for treatment in hospital or from a GP.  Dental treatment is covered only if incurred in an emergency.  This is not a health insurance policy and does not cover routine treatments or treatments which can be delayed until the individual returns to the UK.  It is only intended for medical emergencies. 

Travellers are advised to check the travel advice on the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) website for up-to-date travel information. . Trips are not covered if travelling against FCDO advice.

For Visa applications, please allow enough time before you travel if a visa is required to enter the country being visited.  Insurers will not accept a cancellation claim where the individual concerned did not allow sufficient time.

Making a claim

All travel insurance claims should be notified directly to AIG and completed claim forms sent to with supporting documents where claims will be reviewed and considered under its own merit.

Along with a completed Travel Insurance Claim Form you will need to supply the following:

  • Evidence of flight invoice
  • Hotel invoice
  • Travel insurance cover note.
  • Copies of receipts/invoices

AIG claim form - personal property [PDF 565KB] 

AIG claim form travel – cancellation [PDF 569KB]

Lifeline Mobile claims notification [PDF 326KB] 

Business Travel

Due to some restrictions on the policy, any trips planned to any of the following territories will require additional approval (due to high risk or because they are on the list of countries with UN trade or economic sanctions).  

  • Iran
  • Cuba
  • Syria
  • Sudan
  • South Sudan
  • North Korea
  • Russia
  • Belarus or Crimea Region of Ukraine

If you are travelling to any of the countries above the sanctions questionnaire is required by insurers.  Please complete this and email to the Insurance Manager three weeks prior to travelling

AIG sanctions questionnaire [XLS 48KB]

QMUL Travel Insurance is insured by AIG.  Queen Mary policy number:  0010016152

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