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Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

How to apply

Internal students apply via Mysis.

External Student apply via online application form, links below.

Application open date: 10th January 2025

Application closing date: 2nd February 2025 at 11.59pm

Interview period for September 2025 intake: February to March 2025

Notification of offers: April 2025

Undergraduate and graduate students enrolled on the MBBS, GEP and BDS programmes at Queen Mary University of London may intercalate on a BSc honours degree of one year's duration following successful completion of either two, three or four years study (two or three years of study for GEP applicants; two years of study for Direct Clinical Entry students).

Students studying on the QMUL MBBS programme in Malta will have opportunities to intercalate in tandem with their peers in London. As usual, the earliest point students can intercalate on an iBSc programme is after year 2. The Institute of Health Sciences Education have established the policies and processes that will enable students to make the most of the options to intercalate. Guidance on the issues that will be of particular concern to MBBS students in Malta is provided.  This includes the fees and the status of the students during their intercalating year (i.e Home/EU/International) for fee purposes.  The application and selection process is the same for all QMUL MBBS students as outlined here.  

Approximately 20-25 internal applicants are likely to be permitted to intercalate at external medical Faculty.

The Faculty will run a range of masters degrees for MBBS and BDS students. All degrees in this selection of courses have been adapted for intercalation.

The minimum entry requirement for our MSc degrees will be 360 credits i.e. at least three years of completed study on the MBBS/BDS/Veterinary course, or a prior BSc degree. Entry is conditional upon you successfully passing all academic and clinical components of your current year (third or fourth year) of the MBBS programme. In order to intercalate you must not have any outstanding resit exams in your MBBS degree. You will need to provide evidence in the form of an official transcript to show years 1 to 3 or 1 to 4 have been successfully passed. 

BSc Admission procedures for QMUL students

In order to ensure a fair and transparent means of selecting students for each course a system based on a combination of exam results and interview performance has been set up. The exam results (which include end of year written exams and in-course assessments) used for this assessment are as follows:

  • Years 1, 2 and 3 for 5 year MBBS or BDS students intercalating after 4 years
  • Years 1 and 2 for 5 year MBBS or BDS students intercalating after 3 years
  • Year 1 for 5 year MBBS or BDS students intercalating after 2 years
  • Years 1 and 2 for GEP students intercalating after 3 years
  • Year 1 for GEP students intercalating after 2 years
  • Year 3 for Direct Clinical Entry students intercalating after 2 years

* Please note that applicants for Prehospital Medicine must have completed a minimum of 3 years of the MBBS programme.

Although this may seem rather complex, student feedback suggests that it is seen as fair.

Before applying for an intercalated degree, all students must meet the academic criteria agreed by The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry.

BSc Applications for Internal Students

Medical and dental students studying at Queen Mary University of London should complete an application form available on MySIS (log onto MySIS); you will be required to submit your 3 choices in order of preference and a personal statement together with a CV.

Only those students eligible to intercalate will be able to access the application form.

If you applied unsuccessfully for an intercalated degree last year, as a second or third year student, you may, if you wish, indicate on this year's form that you did so. The selectors may take this into account when you are interviewed. Should you have any special circumstances that you would like the interview panel to be aware of please indicate this in your personal statement. Should you have any queries on your application please contact Thuraisha Naidoo via


Students applying to both BSc and MSc programmes must in addition apply directly to the MSc course(s) via the postgraduate coursefinder. Applicants who wish to intercalate externally please see below.

BSc Applications for External Students

Applications from students attending other medical or dental schools are welcome. In general the procedure is similar to that for our own students. If you undertake an intercalated degree at Queen Mary University of London you will be part of the college for a year and will benefit from the same amenities as our students. In the first instance prospective applicants from external medical schools can contact Thuraisha Naidoo (Email: 

To apply, completion of an on-line application form for intercalation at Queen Mary University of London is required. 

You will be asked to provide 3 course choices in order of preference and a personal statement. In addition, in a separate document, we ask for a CV, a transcript of your results to date, a letter from a Tutor or Dean in your own Faculty which makes it clear that you have been given permission to intercalate at Queen Mary University of London and evidence of the level of fees you are paying at your home university.

To apply: Application form for external students

Applicants electing to study an MSc must in addition apply directly to the MSc course(s) of choice using the QMUL Postgraduate Taught Course online application process.

MSc Applications

All applicants electing to study an MSc must apply directly to the MSc course(s) of choice using the QMUL Postgraduate Taught Course online application process.

If you wish to apply for a masters degree, it is advised to make a choice of both intercalated BSc and MSc degrees as places on MSc degrees may be limited.

Students applying to take up an MSc during intercalation can still only make three choices: i.e. 2 MSc applications plus 1 BSc or 1 MSc and 2 BSc applications

Internal Students complete this form in addition to applying via the PGT portal 

External Students complete this form in addition to applying via the PGT portal 

Following the February deadline for iBSc applications external students are free to continue to apply for MSc degrees via the Postgraduate Taught Course online application process.

Intercalating externally

As in previous years external study is limited, in keeping with QMUL policy. The policy applies to all applicants irrespective of whether the choice is to take up a BSc or an MSc degree externally. Decisions will be based purely on academic ranking and interview as described elsewhere on this webpage. Permission to intercalate externally is very competitive and in the last few years before the change indicated below, approximately 30% of students who applied have been successful. 

Because of this low success rate and the fact that students who are in the lowest 25% academically only have a very small chance of success, we are only interviewing the top 75% of students who apply to intercalate externally. Students in the lowest 25% will receive notification and their highest internal choice will become their first choice course.

Please note that apart from seeking permission from us to intercalate external to Queen Mary, you should apply separately to the external programme(s) that you are interested in.

Internal applicants electing to study either a BSc or an MSc external to QMUL should apply to study EXTERNALLY via MySIS. You will then go through the interview process to gain full permission to intercalate externally. 

  • If you require a provisional letter of permission to intercalate externally while you apply to your external course, you may request this from Thuraisha Naidoo via
  • When requesting please include the name of the course you are applying to and external institution.
  • Note all letters issued will provide only provisional permission to intercalate externally. Full permission will only be provided following successful completion of our internal application process.
  • An academic transcript may be requested from

Interviews and offers

Applicants will be invited to attend an interview between late February and March and initial offers of places will be made in late April/early May. Those students who are not offered a place on their first choice course may sometimes be offered an interview for their second or lower choice course. Students whose first choice is an external course, will also be interviewed by their first internal choice, where this is applicable. Applicants to MSc programmes might be interviewed (programme dependant).

All offers will be decided centrally via The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. Individual degree programmes may recommend your application to the Faculty however they are not able to release any offers. Any such offer from them is considered provisional only.

Selection Criteria & Guidelines.


The timing of the taught units and projects will depend on which course you choose. Please see the individual course pages for more details.

Term dates

The official term dates for QMUL.

(IMPORTANT. These are official QMUL dates. Exact dates for intercalated courses to be announced. Also, please check with individual course organizers for exact dates (starting, finishing, exams and vacations) pertaining to each course. These may differ from the announced dates, especially around Easter)

Dates given below are provisional.

Semester 1

  • 16 September - 13 December 2024
  • Study period: 16 December - 20 December 2024
  • Bank holidays: 25 and 26 December 2024, 1 January 2025

Semester 1 - Examination Period

  • Study period: 2 January - 3 January 2025
  • Examinations: 6 January - 21 January 2025

Semester 2

  • 22 January - 15 April 2025
  • Bank holidays: 18 and 21 April 2025

Semester 3 - Examination period for Semester 2 & Year Long Modules

  • Study period: 6 May - 7 May 2025
  • Examinations: 8 May - 6 June 2025
  • Bank holidays: 5 and 26 May 2025

Late Summer Resit Period

  • 4 August - 15 August 2025

Please note that the Christmas and Easter breaks may not be the same as those for non-intercalating medical students.

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