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School of Geography

PhD and Postdoctoral Research Opportunities

CRoLAC supports PhD and postdoctoral researchers wishing to join Queen Mary. Various funding schemes are available, including for non-British nationals.

Before making an application for a PhD or a postdoc, you will need to identify and contact an appropriate supervisor/mentor. CRoLAC members sit in different schools across the faculty and have a wide variety of expertise related to the region. On the ‘Who we are’ page is a list of our members with links to their profiles and research interests. You can use this to help you identify an appropriate supervisor/mentor. Supervision teams can combine expertise from two schools. 

Current PhD student members

  • Antonio León Fernández (SEF)
  • Carlos Cruz Mosquera (SPIR)
  • Caterina Rossi (SBM)
  • Deanna Lyn Cook (SED)
  • Fernando Quintana (Law)
  • Francisca Fernández Merino (SPIR/SBM)
  • Giulia Tozzi (SEF)
  • Hellen Gutierrez Farquhar (SBM/SPIR)
  • Javier Valdés Torres (Law)
  • Kinti Orellana (SPIR)
  • Laura MagheČ›iu (SBM)
  • Laura Pérez Cervera (SEF)
  • Melisa Tatiana Slep (Geog)
  • Nicola Armstrong (SPIR)
  • Sofia Negri (Geog)
  • Thiago Jesús (People’s Palace)
  • Victoria León-Porath (SPIR/Geog)

Current opportunities

CRoLAC ECR Research Grant (new for 2024/25!)

CRoLAC invites PhD students and postdoctoral researchers to apply for up to £200 to organise an event connected to their research in/on the Latin American and Caribbean region. The event can take the form of a research seminar, workshop or public lecture and applications are welcomed from all Schools and joint applications between schools are warmly encouraged. The event itself must take place between 10 September 2024 and 30 June 2025. To apply for this funding, please email a 500 word description of the event and a budget breakdown to Holly and Sam by 1 August 2024.

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