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School of Geography


Staff and postgraduate researchers across Queen Mary University of London are involved in wide ranging research on city lives and connections.


  • Koch, R (2024) 'Urban Theory' in Introducing Human Geographies.
  • Halvorsen, S. and Annunziata, R. (2024) ‘Proximity as urban democratic legitimacy: strategies of participation in Buenos Aires’. Urban Studies, online.
  • Monteith, W. (2024) "Rethinking Work from the Cities of the South" in Desai, V., Dauncey, E. and Potter, R. (Eds) The Companion to Development Studies (4th Ed.), London: Routledge
  • Blunt, A., Burrell, K., Endfield, G., Lawrence, M., Nightingale, E., Owens, A., Waldock, J. and Wilkins, A. (2024) 'Home and neighbourhood: pandemic geographies of dwelling and belonging', in Cooper F. and Fitzgerald, D. (eds) Knowing COVID-19: The Pandemic and Beyond, Manchester University Press, Manchester.
  • Noterman, E., & Blomley, N. (2024). Children’s Legal Geographies, and the “Make-Believe” of Property. Social & Legal Studies, 33(2), 236-253.


  • Noterman, E (2023) 'Fugitive dust: the indeterminate trajectories of urban development's present-past.' Annals of the American Association of Geographers 113(4): 857-872.
  • Luthra, A. & Monteith, W. (2023) Of Market Vendors and Waste Collectors: Labour, Informality and Aesthetics in the Era of World-Class City Making, Antipode 55(4): 1068-1088.
  • Hoover J (2023) 'The Injustice of Gentrification,' Political Theory 51, 6: 925-954.
  • Hoover J (2023) '‘A Band Aid on a Bullet Wound’: Cosmopolitan Desire in a Pluriversal World,' in Human Rights at the Intersections: Transformation through Local, Global, and Cosmopolitan Challenges, Anthony Tirado Chase et al., eds. (London: Bloomsbury), 9-18.
  • Noterman, E (2023) 'Accessing land justice: combining pedagogy and praxis to challenge university property regimes.' Antipode Intervention (online).


  • Ramesh, N (2022) 'An experiment with the minor geographies of major cities: Infrastructural relations among the fragments.' Urban Studies 59(8): 1556-1574.
  • Noterman, E (2022) 'Adverse commoning: tracing the contested legal geographies of the urban commons.' Environment and Planning D: Society & Space 40(1): 99-117.
  • Baker A., Belotti E., Can A. and E. Noterman. 2022. “Housing Justice, mobilization, and financialization: A conversation from the Antipode Institute for Geographies of Justice.” Radical Housing Journal.
  • Geiringer, D. and Owens A. (2022) 'Anglicanism, Race and the Inner City: Parochial Domesticity and Anti-Racism in the Long 1980s', History Workshop Journal 94, 223–245.
  • Moffat, C (2022) ‘Lahore After the Modern: Architecture, Equality and Community in Yasmeen Lari’sAnguri Bagh’, Global Intellectual History (Online FirstView), 1-23.


  • Elliott-Cooper, A (2021) Black Resistance to British Policing. Manchester University Press.
  • Ramesh, N. (2021) Between fragments and ordering: engineering water infrastructures in a postcolonial city. Geoforum 119: 1-10.
  • Blunt, A., Ebbensgaard, C. and Sheringham, O. (2021) '"The living of time:" entangled temporalities of home and the city.' Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 46: 149-62.
  • Monteith, W. & Camfield, L. (2021) "'Don't You Want us to Eat?' The Moral Economy of a Ugandan Marketplace", Critical African Studies (Early View).
  • Monteith, W. & Mirembe, G. (2021) "'We Are Taught to Act': Hustling on the Move in Kampala and Nairobi.' Africa 95(1): 95-112.
  • Brixton/Brickstone (2021, Film) Dir Jessica Jacobs with Vitor Hugo Costa (03:20).
  • Williams, P (2021) 'Making the ‘smart heritage city’: Banal Hinduism, beautification and belonging in ‘new India’.' In: István Keul (ed) Spaces of religion in Urban South Asia.
  • Hall, K (2021) 'Martial Politics, MOVE and the Racial Violence of Policing,' Politics Online:


  • Koch, R. and Miles, S. (2020) ‘Letting the stranger in: intimacy, technology and new geographies of encounter’, Progress in Human Geography. 
  • Koch, R. (2020) ‘Public, private and the appeal to common good: practices of justification in a peer-to-peer economy’, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 45(2): 392-405.
  • Halvorsen, S. (2020) ‘Territorialising Movement Parties: the case of Nuevo Encuentro in Buenos Aires’, Antipode
  • Halvorsen, S. (2020) ‘The Geography of Political Parties: territory and organisational strategies in Buenos Aires’, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 45(2): 242-255.
  • Penny, J. (2020) ‘Defend the Ten: Everyday dissensus against the slow spoiling of Lambeth’s Libraries’, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space


  • Halvorsen, S. (2019) ‘The Political Opportunities of Urban Decentralisation: Mobilising local governance in Buenos Aires’, Political Geography 
  • Ingleby, M. (2019) Nineteenth-Century Fiction and the Production of Bloomsbury: Novel Grounds. London: Palgrave.
  • Monteith, W. & Camfield, L. (2019) ‘Business as Marriage, Marriage as Business: Female Entrepreneurship in Kampala, Uganda’, Geoforum 101: 111-121.
  • Koehler, A. and Dirscherl, M. (2019) Urban Microcosms (1789-1940). imlr books
  • Penny, J. and Beswick, J. (2019) ‘Demolishing the present to sell off the future? The emergence of financialized entrepreneurialism in London’, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research


  • Blunt, A. and Sheringham, O. (2018) ‘Home-city geographies: dwelling and mobility’, Progress in Human Geography
  • Penny, J. and Richter, A. (2018) ‘The ambivalent and undecided (dis)order of things’, City
  • Koch, R. and Latham, A. (2018) ‘How to think about cities: a reply to our critics’, Urban Studies.


  • Koch, R. and Latham, A. (eds) (2017) Key Thinkers on Cities. London: Sage. 城市想家 (2019) Mandarin language version
  • Willimott, A. (2017) Living the Revolution: Urban Communes and Soviet Socialism, 1917-1932. Oxford University Press
  • Willimott, A. (2017) ‘“How do you live?”: Experiments in Revolutionary Living after 1917’, Journal of Architecture
  • Willimott, A. (2017) ‘Perestroika of Life’, The Architectural Review


  • Harvie, J. (2013) Fair Play - Art, Performance and Neoliberalism. Palgrave
  • Harvie, J. (2009) Theatre & the City. Palgrave.

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