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School of Geography


Geographical imaginations have been a key arena in the exercise of power in colonial, neocolonial and anti-colonial world-making.

Addressing geofuturity, we seek to engage the crafting of geographical imaginations, projections of the future, dreams, mapping, cultural imaginaries, economic and legal alternatives, speculation and speculative fiction to build critical cartographies of the future that mobilise alternative values and social forms. Engaging the relation of the past in the present and worldmaking for the future, geofuturity plots a course towards the actualisation of alternative worlds and speculative proposals for reparative work. Our research includes work on historical geographies made for the future, speculative archival and creative methods, translation, reanimating axis futures, and imagining freedoms. 

The Critical Hope for Climate Justice IHSS network explores the value and risks of hope as a way of engaging with the future in a time of climate crisis.

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