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Directorate of Governance and Legal Services

Audit and Risk Committee 03 October 2016

Part 1: Introduction  Paper
 1. Welcome and apologies  Oral report
 2. Meeting of  02 June 2016    
    Non-confidential minutes
    Confidential minutes
    Executive summary
ARC2016/01 [PDF 282KB]
 3. Matters arising  ARC2016/02
 Part 2: Risk Management  
 4. Strategic Risk Management ARC2016/04 [PDF 587KB]
 5. Whistleblowing cases since the last meeting  Oral report
 Part 3: External audit  
 6. External audit:
    - Update on known actions and 2016 interim comments
    - Audit of restated 31st July 2014 opening balance sheet and 2014-15 Financial
       Statements (FRS102)


Oral report
Oral report

 Part 4: Statutory and regulatory compliance  
 7. Report on data quality and returns to HEFCE, HESA, and the SLC  Presentation
 8. Modern Slavery Act ARC2016/05 [PDF 330KB]
 9 . Changes to the memorandum of assurance and accountability to take effect
      from 01 August 2016
ARC2016/06 [PDF 176KB]
 Part 5: Internal audit  
 10. Internal audit reports:
       - Health and safety
       - Research overhead recovery
 11. Progress report on internal audit recommendations ARC2016/08 [PDF 476KB]
 12. Internal Audit Annual Report 2015-16 ARC2016/09 
 13. Internal Audit Annual Plan 2016-17  ARC2016/10
 14. Internal audit services tender timetable and process ARC2016-11 [PDF 140KB]
 Part 6: Financial control  
 15. Fraud/financial irregularities occurring since the last meeting  Oral report
 Part 7: Committee management and reporting  
 16. Audit and Risk Committee annual report 2015-16: Draft 2 ARC2016/12 [PDF 478KB]
 17. *Draft agenda for the next meeting ARC2016/13 [PDF 243KB]
 18. Any other business  
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