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Directorate of Governance and Legal Services


Item Paper 
 1. Welcome and apologies   N/A
 2. Minutes of the meeting held on 02 September 2020   ARC2020-01 [PDF 245KB] 
 3. Matters arising  ARC2020-02 [PDF 149KB]
 4. Strategic Risk Register  ARC2020/03
 5. Return to campus  ARC2020/04
 6. Annual report on research integrity   ARC2020/05
 7. Interim accountability return and timelines  ARC2020/06
 8. External audit 2019 management letter: progress report on actions  ARC2020/07
 9. External audit 2019-20 interim comments  Oral report
 10. Draft internal audit report and Head of Internal Audit Opinion 2019-20  ARC2020/08
 11. Value for Money  ARC2020-09 [PDF 255KB]

 12. Whistle blowing cases since the last meeting

  •  Annual summary of disclosures 2019-20
 Oral report
 13. Fraud/financial irregularities occurring since the last meeting   Oral report
 14. Committee Terms of Reference 2020-21  ARC2020-10 [PDF 233KB]
 15. *Audit and Risk Committee annual report 2019-20 draft 1  ARC2020-11 [PDF 202KB] 
 16. *Draft agenda for the next meeting  ARC2020-12 [PDF 140KB]
 17. Any other business  N/A
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