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Directorate of Governance and Legal Services


Item  Paper
1. Welcome, apologies and declarations of interest  N/A

2. Staff survey

TO CONSIDER an update on the staff survey results


3. Legal compliance

TO CONSIDER an update on the pilot of a new approach to legal compliance reporting 

ARC23-37 [PDF 433KB]

4. Strategic risk management

a) TO CONSIDER an update on external risks 

b) TO CONSIDER an update on KPI performance 




5. Internal audit

a) TO CONSIDER a report on progress with the audit plan for 2023–24 and the draft audit plan for 2024–25 

b) TO CONSIDER planned internal audit reports 




6. External audit

TO CONSIDER the external audit plan and fees for 2023–24 

TO CONSIDER a briefing on the going concern assumption 




7. Ordinances

TO CONSIDER updates to the Ordinances 

ARC23-44 [PDF 422KB]

8. Standing reports

TO CONSIDER an update on and disclosures and investigations under the Whistleblowing Procedure 

TO CONSIDER an update on any instances of fraud or financial irregularities 

Oral report

Oral report



9. Committee management and reporting

TO CONSIDER the annual schedule of business for 2024–25 

TO CONFIRM the minutes of the previous meeting

TO NOTE the draft agenda for the next meeting 

ARC23-45 [PDF 134KB]

ARC23-46 [PDF 158KB]

ARC23-47 [PDF 120KB]

10. Any other business N/A

11. Annual review of auditor appointments

TO RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL the appointment of internal and external auditors for 2024–25 

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