2. Financial performance
a) TO CONSIDER the current financial position
b) TO CONSIDER the Transparent Approach to Costing (TRAC) return
c) TO NOTE financial statements benchmarking
d) TO CONSIDER the QMI annual report
e) TO CONSIDER an update on research overhead recovery
f) TO CONSIDER the QMSU financial statements for 2022–23 and mid–year accounts
FIC23-18 [PDF 169KB]
FIC23-19 [PDF 755KB]
FIC23-20 [PDF 333KB]
FIC23-22 [PDF 943KB]
3. Financial planning
a) TO RECOMMEND FOR APPROVAL the budget for 2024–25 and five–year forecasts
b) TO RECOMMEND FOR APPROVAL the updated infrastructure plan
c) TO CONSIDER an update on master planning
4. Committee reporting and management
a) TO CONFIRM the minutes of the previous meeting
b) TO NOTE matters arising from previous meetings
c) TO NOTE the draft agenda for the next meeting
FIC23-27 [PDF 122KB]
FIC23-28 [PDF 103KB]