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Directorate of Governance and Legal Services

Agenda for the meeting of Senate Thursday 15 December 2016

Part 1: Preliminary Items Paper
1. Welcome and apologies  
2. Minutes of the last meeting SE2016.23 [PDF 80KB]
3. President and Principal’s report Oral report
4. Vice-Principals' reports  
Vice-Principal (Health) SE2016.24a [PDF 21KB]
Vice-Principal and Executive Dean (Humanities & Social Science) SE2016.24b [PDF 11KB]
Vice-Principal and Executive Dean (Science & Engineering) SE2016.24c [PDF 10KB]
Vice-Principal (Student Experience, Teaching and Learning) SE2016.24d [PDF 24KB]
Vice-Principal (Research) SE2016.24e [PDF 21KB]
Vice-Principal (International) SE2016.24f [PDF 10KB]
Vice-Principal (Public Engagement & Student Enterprise) SE2016.24g [PDF 9KB]
5. Students’ Union President’s report Oral report
Part 2: Matters for information Paper
6. Presentation from the Vice-Principal (Public
Engagement and Student Enterprise)
7. QMUL Model SE2016.25 [PDF 47KB]
Part 3: Matters for consideration Paper
8. Partnerships Ethical Policy SE2016.26 [PDF 94KB]
9. Joint Clinical Research Board Terms of Reference SE2016.28 [PDF 3,039KB]
10. Suspension of Regulations report SE2016.28 [PDF 3,039KB]
11. Foundation Studies Oral report
12. Honorary Degrees and Fellowships of QMUL Confidential
13. Senate members’ Handbook SE2016.30 [PDF 141KB]
Part 4: Reports from Sub-boards of Senate Paper
14. Taught Programmes Board* SE2016.31 [PDF 111KB]
15. Education Quality Board* SE2016.32 [PDF 100KB]
16. Research Degrees Programmes and Examinations Board* SE2016.33 [PDF 37KB]
17. Partnerships Board* SE2016.34 [PDF 41KB]
18. Vice-Principal’s (Research) Advisory Group* SE2016.35 [PDF 48KB]
19. Vice-Principal’s (International) Advisory Group* SE2016.36 [PDF 32KB]
*will be taken without discussion unless a request is sent to the Chairman or Secretary, at least two days before the meeting, to open the item for debate.
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