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Directorate of Governance and Legal Services

Papers for the Senate meeting on 15 October 2020

Part 1: Preliminary Items


1. Welcome and apologies


2. Minutes of the last meeting

 SE2020.01 [PDF 257KB]

3. Chair's action

 SE2020.02 [PDF 104KB]

4. Terms of reference and membership

 SE2020.03 [PDF 267KB] 

5. President and Principal's report


6. Vice-Principals' reports

 SE2020.05 [PDF 48KB]

 SE2020.05a [PDF 79KB]

 SE2020.05b [PDF 118KB]

 SE2020.05c [PDF 540KB]

 SE2020.05d [PDF 233KB]

 SE2020.05e [PDF 145KB]

 SE2020.05f [PDF 165KB]

 SE2020.05g [PDF 103KB]

 SE2020.05h [PDF 152KB] 

7. Students' Union President's report

 SE2020.06 [PDF 712KB]

Part 2: Matters for Discussion


8. Education update


9. Review of assessment arrangements for 2019-20

 SE2020.07 [PDF 589KB]

10. International Holocaust Rememberance Alliance definition of anti-Semitism

 SE2020.08 [PDF 182KB]

Part 3: Matters for Report


11. Approval of membership and terms of reference for sub-boards of Senate for 2020-21

 SE2020.09 [PDF 46KB] 

12. Indicative annual business plan for 2020-21

 SE2020.10 [PDF 113KB] 

13. Council business themes*

 SE2020.11 [PDF 158KB] 

14. Taught Programmes Board*

 SE2020.12 [PDF 60KB]

 SE2020.12a [PDF 203KB]

 SE2020.12b [PDF 287KB]

 SE2020.12c [PDF 228KB]

15. Education Quality and Standards Board*

 SE2020.13a [PDF 113KB]

 SE2020.13b [PDF 97KB]


16. Research Degrees Examination and Progression Board*

 SE2020.14 [PDF 109KB]

17. Ethics of Research Committee*

 SE2020.15 [PDF 356KB]

18. Partnerships Board*

 SE2020.16 [PDF 128KB] 


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