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Directorate of Governance and Legal Services

Papers for the meeting of Senate on Thursday 19 October 2023

Part 1: Preliminary Items


1. Welcome and apologies

Agenda [PDF 136KB]

2. Minutes of the last meeting

SE2023.01 [PDF 254KB]

3. Chair's actions 

SE2023.02 [PDF 564KB]

4. Senate terms of reference and membership 2023-2024

SE2023.03 [PDF 298KB]

5. President and Principal's report


6. Vice-Principals' reports

SE2023.05 [PDF 1,225KB]

7. Students' Union President's report

SE2023.06 [PDF 454KB]

Part 2: Matters for Discussion


8. Freedom of Speech

  • Code of Practice on Free Speech
  • Promoting Academic Freedom and Freedom of Speech

SE2023.07 [PDF 253KB]

SE2023.08 [PDF 276KB]

9. Academic Integrity

SE2023.09 [PDF 194KB]

10. Education Quality and Standards Board

  • Summary of meetings held since May
  • Peer Observation Policy
  • Principles of Programme Design
  • MBBS/BDS regulations: third

SE2023.10 [PDF 127KB]

SE2023.11 [PDF 261KB]

SE2023.12 [PDF 344KB]

SE2023.13 [PDF 280KB]

11. Wolfson Institute of Population Health new centre structure

SE2023.14 [PDF 310KB]

12. Research Integrity Policy

SE2023.15 [PDF 260KB]

13. Professional Doctorate award title of Clinical Doctorate (DClin)

SE2023.16 [PDF 266KB]

14. Approval of membership and terms of reference for sub-boards of Senate for 2023-2024

SE2023.17 [PDF 347KB]

15. Indicative Annual Business Plan for 2023-2024

SE2023.18 [PDF 174KB]

16. Research and Innovation presentation


Part 3: Matters for Report


17. Council report* 


18. Taught Programmes Board*

SE2023.20 [PDF 127KB]

19. Research Degrees Examination and Progression Board*

SE2023.21 [PDF 164KB]

20. Ethics of Research Committee* 

SE2023.22 [PDF 218KB]

21. Partnerships Board* 

SE2023.23 [PDF 122KB]

Part 4: Other Matters 


22. Dates of future meetings: 

  • 14 December 2023, 15:00-17:00
  • 14 March 2024, 15:00-17:00
  • 13 June 2024, 15:00-17:00

23. Any other business 


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