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Directorate of Governance and Legal Services

Agenda for the meeting of Senate Thursday 10 March 2016

Part 1: Preliminary Items Paper
1. Welcome and apologies  
2. Minutes of the last meeting SE2015.33 [PDF 73KB]
3. President and Principal’s report oral report
4. Vice-Principals’ reports  
Vice-Principal (Health) SE2015.34a [PDF 16KB]
Vice-Principal and Executive Dean (Humanities & Social Science) SE2015.34b [PDF 9KB]
Vice-Principal and Executive Dean (Science & Engineering) SE2015.34c [PDF 7KB]
Vice-Principal (Student Experience, Teaching and Learning) SE2015.34d [PDF 384KB]
Vice-Principal (Research) SE2015.34e [PDF 16KB]
Vice-Principal (International) SE2015.34f [PDF 10KB]
Vice-Principal (Public Engagement & Student Enterprise) SE2015.34g [PDF 20KB]
5. Students’ Union President’s report oral report
Part 2: Matters for information  Paper
 6. Public engagement  Presentation
 7. QMUL’s response to the government’s green paper  SE2015.35 [PDF 192KB]
 8. Teaching Recognition Project  SE2015.36 [PDF 47KB]
Part 3: Matters for consideration  Paper
 9. Academic governance review SE2015.37 [PDF 112KB]
10. Freedom of Speech SE2015.38 [PDF 49KB]
11. Student casework reports  
Annual report on academic appeals submitted under the QMUL Appeal Regulations 2014/15. SE2015.39a [PDF 181KB]
Annual report on assessment offences 2014/15. SE2015.39b [PDF 101KB]
Annual report on Complaints submitted under the Student
Complaints Policy, Fitness to Practise and Disciplinary cases.
SE2015.39c [PDF 72KB]
Annual report on non-academic appeals submitted under the QMUL Appeal Regulations 2014/15. SE2015.39d [PDF 93KB]
12. Queen Mary University of London and Barts Health NHS Trust Research Management Policies SE2015.40 [PDF 971KB]
13. Suspension of regulations report SE2015.41 [PDF 222KB]
14. LLM Paris semester dates SE2015.42 [PDF 65KB]
Part 4:  Reports from Sub-boards of Senate Paper
15. Taught Programmes Board* SE2015.43 [PDF 203KB]
16. Education Quality Board* SE2015.44 [PDF 114KB] 
17. Research Degrees Programmes and Examinations Board* SE2015.45 [PDF 71KB]
18. Ethics of Research Committee* SE2015.46 [PDF 66KB]
19. Partnerships Board* SE2015.47 [PDF 77KB]
20. Vice-Principal’s (Research) Advisory Group * SE2015.48 [PDF 78KB]
21. Vice-Principal’s (International) Advisory Group* SE2015.49 [PDF 70KB]
* will be taken without discussion unless a request is sent to the Chairman or Secretary, at least two days before the meeting, to open the item for debate.
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