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Directorate of Governance and Legal Services

Module Evaluation Results

Queen Mary has a number of ways you can give feedback about your academic and non-academic experiences whilst studying. Module evaluation is one way that we collect information about your experiences of teaching and learning and the information we get from the evaluations is used by schools and institutes to make changes to modules as necessary. 

We publish the results for our core set of evaluation questions so that you can review them when you are making decisions about module selection but these results are only part of the information you should be considering when making these choices. We would always advise that you speak to your academic advisor / personal tutor or another trusted member of staff to help you make appropriate selections for your abilities, interests and future plans.

When you are looking at the results for a module evaluation, it is helpful to bear the following points in mind:

1) If a module has only had five or fewer responses for an evaluation we do not publish the results - this is in the interests of fairness and anonymity

2) If only a small number of students have completed an evaluation (for example 10 students out of a class of 100) than the results will reflect only a small percentage of the total cohort and should be treated with a certain amount of caution.

3) Modules can vary greatly from year to year as lecturers and content change and this will be reflected in the feedback these modules receive so be careful about assuming what a module will be like based only on previous years' results. 

We would always encourage you to complete evaluations at the end of the module as this provides vital information that we use to enhance our provision. However, if you are encountering teaching and learning issues whilst you are taking a module, please raise this as soon as possible so we can try to resolve it earlier rather than later.  If you feel comfortable to do so, you can contact the module leader/organiser about it directly, if not, you could contact the Director of Taught Programmes in the school/institute. Some schools have specific emails or forums where you can raise issues but every school/institute has a Staff-Student Liaison Committee where these kinds of concerns can be discussed so speak to your course representative about how to take it forward. If you are not sure who your course representative is, you can find out on the Queen Mary Students' Union pages: QMSU course rep information

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