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Directorate of Governance and Legal Services

Partnerships Board

Partnerships Board is the Senate Committee that has oversight of QMUL partnerships activity, including trans-national education provision.

Partnerships Board manages QMUL policy and procedures for the development and approval of collaborative proposals between QMUL and partner institutions both in the UK and overseas.  It also assesses and manages any potential risks for the University.

Meeting Dates 2024/25

During 2024/25, Partnerships Board will meet on the following dates:

Monday 23rd September 2024 (2-3:30pm)

Via MS Teams

Monday 11th November 2024 (2-3:30pm)

Via MS Teams

Monday 27th January 2025 (2-3:30pm)

Via MS Teams

Monday 10th March 2025 (2-3:30pm)

Via MS Teams

Monday 12th May 2025 (2-3:30pm)

Via MS Teams

Monday 23rd June 2025 (2-3:30pm)

Via MS Teams

Paper deadlines

New proposals and renewals of existing arrangements, as well as reports of approved agreements under the low-risk approval process, and any other papers for consideration by PB, must be submitted at least two weeks prior to meetings, by the following dates:

  • 9th September 2024 (for the 23rd September 2024 meeting)
  • 28th October 2024 (for the 11th November 2024 meeting)
  • 13th January 2025 (for the 27th January 2025 meeting)
  • 24th February 2025 (for the 10th March 2025 meeting)
  • 28th April 2025 (for the 12th May 2025 meeting)
  • 9th June 2025 (for the 23rd June 2025 meeting)

Guidance and contacts

For advice on preparing and submitting proposals to PB please contact Governance and Legal Services. For international proposals, Clare Burke in the International Partnerships Office can also be contacted. Ceri Bevan in the Global Opportunities Office should be contacted for Study Abroad and Exchange agreements.

For further information on academic approval please contact the Directorate of Governance and Legal Services at

More information on the approval processes can be found on these pages:

More specific guidance on selected forms of collaborative activity is provided on this page: Detailed Guidance.

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