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Directorate of Governance and Legal Services

External examiners' resource page

This page provides information and guidance for external examiners about their role at Queen Mary. Queen Mary staff have a separate page on the external examiner system, which can be accessed here.

External examiners form an integral part of the quality assurance and enhancement processes at Queen Mary.  The purpose of the external examiner system is:

  • to ensure that Queen Mary's degrees are comparable in standard to those awarded by other UK universities;
  • to ensure fairness and consistency in assessment procedures and student classification;
  • to scrutinise the effectiveness and appropriateness of the assessment system; and
  • to assure the wider community of the standard of Queen Mary’s degrees, and of the fairness of its assessment procedures

 Key information and guidance

Queen Mary publishes a guidance document for external examiners, linked below. This contains key information about the role, and should be read in conjunction with the Assessment Handbook and Academic Regulations. A similar document is available for external members (who sit on Degree Examination Boards).

 Expenses claims

Please use the form below to claim for travel and other expenses associated with your role as an external examiner. Please note that Queen Mary is unable to refund expenses claims submitted without original copies of receipts, and will not normally refund claims received more than three months after the date of the relevant Subject Examination Board meeting.

Expenses claims should be submitted to the Exam Board Secretary.  If you have any queries please contact Alice de Havillan, Quality and Standards Officer.

 Personal details form

Queen Mary asks external examiners to submit a personal details form upon appointment. If any of your details change, please send a new form to Alice de Havillan, Academic Quality and Standards Officer, who will update your record. Queen Mary is not able to pay fees or expenses where no personal details form has been received.

Regulations and policies

The table below holds links to Queen Mary's regulations and policies on assessment. The Academic Regulations are the definitive articulation of the principal institutional mechanisms for the articulation and management of Queen Mary's academic standards. The Assessment Handbook provides detailed policies on all matters related to assessment. The Subject Examination Board Terms of Reference (SEB ToR) are an extract from the Academic Regulations, detailing the powers and responsibilities of SEBs.


Queen Mary requests that external examiner reports are submitted to Alice de Havillan, Academic Quality and Standards Officer, within one month of the relevant Subject Examination Board meeting. The table below holds the various report templates.

UG & PGT External Examiner report templates
FMD Undergraduate*
2023-24 External Examiner Report Template - UG [DOC 57KB] External Examiner Report Template - FMD UG [DOC 53KB] External Examiner Report Template - PG [DOC 53KB]  

* Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry UG programmes (MBBS, BDS, BSc Oral Health and intercalated programmes).

 Response to external examiners' reports

Queen Mary will acknowledge all reports received, and schools will write to external examiners responding to any substantive points raised in their reports. In addition each year the Senate will consider a summary report of issues raised by external examiners. The summary report is also considered by the University of London.

Annual Summary of External Examiner Reports
2021-22 External Examiner Summary Report 2022-23 [PDF 108KB]

Should you require any further information or advice with regards to any matter relating to external examiners, please contact Alice de Havillan, Quality and Standards Officer. 

Any written correspondence should be addressed to:

Directorate of Governance and Legal Services (External Examiners)
Dept W, Queen Mary University of London
Mile End Road
London E1 4NS



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