Time: 9:19am
In this workshop organised by the Queen Mary City Centre and the Centre for the History of the Emotions, Felicity Callard, James Mansell and Edmund Ramsden will interrogate the apparent connections between urbanism and psychopathology and consider the theories and techniques that have been deployed to make these forces visible.
James Mansell (Nottingham), ''Londonitis': Noise and Nervousness in Early Twentieth-Century London'
Edmund Ramsden (Manchester), Coping with the whirl of the crowd: Animal models and model cities in the twentieth century United States.
Felicity Callard (MPIWG, Berlin and Durham), Where did the city go?
Donald Klein, panic disorder, and the rethinking of agoraphobia
For further information please contact the Centre for the History of the Emotions administrator, Adam Wilkinson a.wilkinson@qmul.ac.uk