Professor Christina von HodenbergProfessor of European HistoryEmail: +44 (0)20 7882 8375Room Number: ArtsTwo 2.04ProfileResearchPublicationsSupervisionPublic EngagementProfileI joined Queen Mary in 2006. I took my MA degree at the University of Munich and a PhD in social history from Bielefeld University. I then taught as an Assistant Professor at the University of Freiburg and as a Visiting Associate Professor at the University of California at Berkeley. I have held fellowships at the Université de Montréal, Harvard University and Potsdam’s Centre for Contemporary History.ResearchResearch Interests: I have written widely on the social and cultural history of nineteenth- and twentieth-century Germany. My first book was a collective biography of Prussian judges from 1815 to the revolution of 1848-49. I then moved to the history of working-class protest with my study of Germany’s best-known workers’ uprising, the 1844 revolt of Silesian weavers. In 2006, I published the first overview study of political journalism in West Germany between 1945 and 1973. This prize-winning study explores how mass journalism helped overcome authoritarian traditions of German political culture. My fourth book (2015) was a comparative study on the impact of German, British and American television on the Sixties cultural revolution. Most recently, I have written a social history of late sixties protest in West Germany, forthcoming in 2018. political culture in 19th and 20th century Germany the history of journalism, mass media, television value change, sexuality, family, gender and youth popular protest and revolutions the history of ageing and elderly people in 20th century Germany Publications Das andere Achtundsechzig: Gesellschaftsgeschichte einer Revolte [The other 1968: Social History of a Revolt] (Beck Verlag, Germany, 2018). Television's Moment: Sitcom Audiences and the Sixties Cultural Revolution (link is external) (Berghahn, 2015) Konsens und Krise: Eine Geschichte der westdeutschen Medienöffentlichkeit, 1945 bis 1973 (link is external) [Consensus and Crisis: Mass Media and the Public Sphere in West Germany, 1945-1973] (Göttingen: Wallstein, 2006) Aufstand der Weber: Die Revolte von 1844 und ihr Aufstieg zum Mythos (link is external) [The Silesian Weavers’ Revolt in 1844: Myth and Reality] (Bonn: J.H.W. Dietz, 1997) Die Partei der Unparteiischen: Der Liberalismus der preußischen Richterschaft, 1815-1848/49 (link is external) [The Impartial Party: Prussian Judges and Liberalism, 1815-1848/49], Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft 113 (Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1996) Wo ’1968’ liegt: Reform und Revolte in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik (link is external) [1968 in West Germany: Reform and Rebellion in the History of the Federal Republic], (co-editor and contributor) (Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006) ‘Expeditionen in den Methodendschungel: Herausforderungen der Zeitgeschichtsforschung im Fernsehzeitalter,’ in Journal of Modern European History (link is external) 10 (2012), 24-48 ‘Ekel Alfred und die Kulturrevolution: Unterhaltungsfernsehen als Sprachrohr der 68er-Bewegung?‘ in Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht (link is external) 62 (2011), 557–572 ’Mass Media and the Generation of Conflict: West Germany’s Long Sixties and the Formation of a Critical Public Sphere,’ Contemporary European History (link is external) 15, 3 (2006), 367-395 ‘Of Nazi Werewolves, German Fräuleins, and Iraqi Insurgents: The American Fascination with Hitler’s Last Foray,’ Central European History (link is external) 41, 1 (2008): 71-92. ‘Mass Media: Manipulation and Markets,‘ in: Kiran Klaus Patel and Christof Mauch, eds., Competing Modernities: The United States of America and Germany, 1890-1990, forthcoming with Cambridge University Press (link is external) (together with Philipp Gassert) ‘The Protest of Silesian Weavers in 1844: Household Strategies and Moral Concepts,’ Jan Kok, ed, Rebellious Families: Household Strategies and Collective Action in the 19th and 20th Centuries, International Studies in Social History (link is external), vol 3 (Oxford and Providence: Berghahn, 2002), 39-56 ’Politische Generationen und massenmediale Öffentlichkeit: Das Beispiel der Fünfundvierziger in der Bundesrepublik,’ Ulrike Jureit and Michael Wildt, eds., Generationen: Zur Semantik eines sozialwissenschaftlichen Grundbegriffs (link is external) (Hamburg: Hamburger Edition, 2005), 266-294 ’Der Fluch des Geldsacks: Der Aufstieg des Industriellen als Herausforderung bürgerlicher Werte,’ Manfred Hettling and Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann, eds., Der bürgerliche Wertehimmel: Innenansichten des 19. Jahrhunderts (link is external) (Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2000), 79-104 ’Mit dem Rotstift gegen die soziale Frage: Die preußische Pressezensur und der schlesische Weberaufstand 1844,’ Forschungen zur Brandenburgischen und Preußischen Geschichte (link is external) NF 9 (1999), 91-122 Editorial Positions Editorial Board, Journal of Modern European History (link is external) Editorial Board, German History (link is external) Peer reviewer for Central European History (link is external), Media History (link is external), Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (link is external), Fritz Thyssen Stiftung (link is external) et al. Supervision I welcome applications from candidates wishing to undertake doctoral research in the following areas: 19th and 20th century German social and cultural history transnational links between Germany, the UK and the US legal history and the role of lawyers generations in 20th century Germany the history of concepts (Begriffsgeschichte) coming to terms with the Nazi past Current PhD Students Emily A. Steinhauer, From Critical Theorists to Political Actors: Theodor W. Adorno’s and Max Horkheimer’s Role in West-German Politics Current PHD StudentsAnna Motyczka – Jews and Catholics in Communist Poland, 1944-1968 Lisa Renken – Leitsungsgesellschaft (meritocracy) in the Third Reich and the Federal Republic of Germany Emily Steinhauer – "From Critical Theorists to Political Actors: Theodor W. Adorno’s and Max Horkheimer’s Role in West-German Politics" Public Engagement Television interview on the German TV show ‘titel thesen temperamente’. Broadcast Sunday 11 February: Interview in DIE WELT: Radio Interview with Deutschlandfunk: Radio Interview on Gutenbergs Welt, broadcast 4 February: Radio Interview with WDR 5, ‘Scala’, broadcast 9 february: News Story in Spiegel: TV coverage on German TV channel SWR: Coverage in Austrian Der Standard: Coverage in Dresdner Neue Nachrichten: On Radio Bremen, Kulturradio podcast: Editorial of Der Sonntag: