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Health and Safety Directorate

Working Safely at Home

This guidance aims to support you to work safely and effectively, whilst home working, either in the UK or outside of the UK.

Home working in the UK - All staff working from home or remotely in the UK should work in accordance with the Hybrid Working Policy, as well as following the information below.

Home working outside of the UK - All Queen Mary staff undertaking office / computer-based work in locations outside of the UK must have permission to do so, please contact your Head of School / Institute Director / Head of Department or Strategic Business Partner to arrange this.

Please note that whilst the Hybrid Working Policy doesn't apply to individuals working abroad the following information can still be applied in order to held you achieve a safe working environment and ensure safe working practices.


Display Screen Equipment (DSE)

You should organise your workstation:

  • In a way that avoids any awkward actions (e.g., lifting, reaching, twisting, or bending).
  • To ensure that the lighting is adequate for the task to be undertaken.
  • To achieve the standard outlined in the Queen Mary DSE risk assessment you will have completed.
  • Using as Health and Safety Executive's (HSE) guidance outlined below to make simple changes if required.

Any concerns should be discussed with your manager to provide support in resolving any issues. Please also refer to section 10 of the University Hybrid Working Policy.


Section 9 of the hybrid working policy discusses well-being and the levels of support available to staff who are hybrid working.  It is important to stay in touch with your manager and team whilst working from home / remotely.

Work environment

You must take reasonable steps to make sure you have a safe place to work when at home or an alternative domestic setting.

  • Electrical equipment: Visually check for any damage to sockets, plugs or leads used in connection with your work. Avoid overloading electrical sockets and/or having trailing cables/wires. If there are any concerns with any electrical equipment provided by the University (e.g., laptop transformer or cable) it should be taken out of use and returned to Queen Mary ITS for replacement.  Your home electrical equipment should be tested and maintained as directed by the supplier.
  • Work equipment: Ensure that equipment is set up properly and used in accordance with the supplier's instructions.
  • Slips and trips: You should minimise the risks of slips and trips by keeping your work area clear of obstructions, spillages, and trailing wires.
  • Emergencies: You should consider any relevant emergency situations that could occur when undertaking home working and plan accordingly. For example, if there was a fire:
    • What would your evacuation strategy be?
    • Are you aware of your exits and escape routes?
    • How would you call for assistance?

You should ensure that you have working smoke detection in place and that you test it regularly.

If an emergency occurs at home whilst you are working, you should advise your line manager at your earliest convenience.

  • Lone working: Be aware of the risks associated with working alone and take appropriate steps to control them. These include:
    • Managing your working time effectively and taking appropriate breaks.
    • Keeping in touch with your supervisor / manager and discuss any problems that arise.
    • Report to your supervisor / manager any periods of sickness and any work-related health issues e.g., pregnancy, accident / injury, disability, work-related stress.
  • Reporting accidents for home workers: Not every incident in a person's home will be reportable. An incident may be reportable if it occurred because of:
    • the work activity being done.
    • the equipment you have provided to carry out that work.

Please report any such incidents via MySafety.   

Further information

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