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Gender Advancement for Transforming Institutions (GATI) project

About the project

In 2021 Queen Mary University of London was awarded grant to take part in the Gender Advancement for Transforming Institutions (GATI) pilot project created by the Indian Government, Department for Science and Technology (DST) and British Council in partnership with Advance HE.

The project's aim is to develop and introduce the first gender equality frameworks within India’s academic domain, with a specific focus on:

  • addressing gender inequality in STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths and Medicine) and,
  • promoting gender sensitisation.

“GATI aims to nudge institutions of higher education and research towards supporting diversity, inclusion and the full spectrum of talent for their own success and progression. In particular, it aspires to create an enabling environment for equal participation of women in Science, Technology, Engineering, Medicine and Mathematics (STEMM) disciplines at all levels, addressing deep-rooted problems.”

[objective - GATI handbook and self-assessment framework and guidance, DST 2021]


Our role

Queen Mary's role is one of mentorship, providing support and guidance to our Indian partners GATI leads and self-assessment teams. At Queen Mary, this has been delivered through the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team and the internal GATI project group (internal) through one-to-one sessions, workshops and the sharing of resources.

Our GATI project group (internal) were key in the shaping and delivery of workshops (October 2021-April 2022) and provided perspectives from across The University.


Name Role

Eleanor McDavis

GATI Project Lead

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager

Mursheda Begum 

Project Administrator 

Gender Advancement for Transforming Institutions (GATI) Project Administrator 
Sheila Gupta Vice-Principal (People, Culture and Inclusion)
Simon Gwynne  HR Information and Data Analytics Manager
Peter Hobson Head of School | Professor Of Physics (S&E)
Fadi Safieddine  Accreditation Manager/Senior Lecturer (HSS)
Laura Simpson  FMD EDI and Athena Swan Manager
 Mangala Patel Professor of Dental Biomaterials | former Chair of Institute of Dentistry  Athena SWAN Self-Assessment Team leading three successful applications (two Bronze in 2013 & 2015 and one Silver in 2018)

[British council, Gender Advancement for Transforming Institutions (GATI): Partnership Concept Note, Annex 3, 1-7]


GATI partner institutions and their roleMap of where QMUL GATI Indian partners are located.



Figure 1. Geographical locations of our partner institutions.

Our partner have two main roles:

1) Adopt the 10 GATI Charter principles in policies, strategic plans, and organizational culture. These are:

  1. We acknowledge that the role of higher education and research institutions is to serve a broad
    diversity of students, faculty, staff and other stakeholders providing equal opportunity to all.
  2. We realize that diversity enhances excellence and academia cannot reach its full potential
    unless it can create systems to value, nurture and benefit from the talents of all in the
  3. We acknowledge that people of all genders are equally capable of making valuable
    contributions and promoting excellence in all areas of human enterprise.
  4. We recognize, in particular, the importance of advancing gender equity in Science,
    Technology, Engineering, Medicine and Mathematics (STEMM) areas.
  5. We are deeply concerned that discouraging experiences, implicit and explicit bias inhibit the
    full participation of women in science at all stages and acknowledge the need for effective
    implementation of policy on sexual harassment for creating an enabling environment.
  6. We are deeply concerned about the high rate of loss of women across the career pipeline,
    their underrepresentation in the profession – in particular, in leadership roles.
  7. We recognize that all individuals have identities shaped by different factors at different
    stages of their career and that institutional support structures are required for facilitating
    work and enhancing professional contribution of all, in particular of women.
  8. We acknowledge that advancing gender equality requires strong leadership, participative
    action and sustained effort to bring in systemic and cultural changes through well deliberated
    policy initiatives at all levels of the organization.
  9. We commit to creating a safe and nurturing environment for women and developing action
    plans for removing the barriers to their progression in particular, at major points of career
    development including the transition from higher studies into a sustainable academic career
    and advancement to the top positions thereafter.
  10. We believe that mainstreaming, assimilating and sustaining positive impact policies and
    actions for gender advancement will bring transformative changes in the overarching climate
    and socio-cultural ethos leading the institution towards distinctive excellence.

2) Undertake Self-Assessment and Accreditation process based on the GATI Gender Equity Indicator Framework which:

    • outlines criteria and metric for self-evaluating gender statistics, policies, processes, procedures, and practices, gender climate and organizational culture,
    • encourage implementation plans for action plans and sustenance of project.


Project journey




QMUL awarded GATI grant

1:1 sessions, resources and advice shared throughout

Oct 2021

Workshop 1: Orientation

Jan 2022

Microsoft Team space established for GATI partners

Feb 2022


Workshop 2: Self-assessment process

Workshop 3: Data collection and analysis

Mar 2022

Workshop 4: Action planning for success

Collaboration on International Women’s Day blog

Apr 2022

Feedback survey


GATI self-assessment application drafts

Sep 2022

Joint UK Higher Education Institution activity: A week of workshops on lessons learned and good practice

GATI partner visits to QMUL

Oct/Nov 2022

SMD x GATI workshop (TBC)

Nov 2022

QMUL visit to India (TBD)

Nov 2022-Dec

Project Review
Final report


Impact of the project

  • Six workshops delivered, and attendance rates ranged from 18-27.
  • Delivered a week of workshops on lessons learned and good practice with other London Russell Group universities across Indian and Brazilian academic institutions.
  • 11 project update/one-to-one meetings conducted and/or planned.
  • We shared a survey with our Indian partner institutions in April 2022 (see Project journey) to provide feedback on their GATI project journey. We asked about the short and (anticipated) long-term impacts of the project for our partner's institutions. These are outlined below.

Indian partner's short term impact of GATI project sourced from feedback form.

Figure 2. Short term impact

GATI partners anticipated long term impact sourced from feedback form.

Figure 3. Anticipated long term impact

Contact details and further information

Mursheda Begum

GATI Project Administrator, Human Resources, Queen Mary University of London

Eleanor McDavis

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager (Gender), Human Resources, Queen Mary University of London

For more information, see the DST GATI brochure 



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