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Human Resources

October 2023 Menopause Webinar Programme

Webinar Presentation Slides & Webinar Video Links

Below, you will find the presentation slides and video link to the menopause awareness webinars which had taken place during the month of October 2023.

To watch any webinars you are interested in, please click on the links in the table below (video link tab). 

Webinar Description

Video Link 
(Please click on link to view the video)

Presentation Slides

Menopause Allies


This webinar will provide staff with an overview of why menopause matters at Queen Mary. It will demystify menopause – providing awareness about the types of menopauses, the stages, the triggers, the signs, the diagnosis. You will find out about menopause management options and menopause allyship.

Menopause Allies N/A

Putting the Men into Menopause


This webinar is aimed at raising awareness about the menopause amongst all our community. This session is specifically aimed at fostering the conversation amongst our male colleagues to help to demystify menopause.


Alex Prestage will be asking colleagues to share their knowledge and experience as well as asking questions about the menopause.


This webinar will include participation from any willing staff attending the audience.

Putting the Men into Menopause N/A as this was a live discussion. 

What support is available for staff at Queen Mary?


This webinar will provide staff with an awareness of the support currently available at the university.

What support is available for staff at Queen Mary?

What support is available for staff at Queen Mary? - Slides [PDF 1,890KB]

Bone and Heart Health


This webinar will provide important and useful information regarding the care of your bones and heart during the menopause transition.  There will also be information on diet and exercise.

Bone and Heart Health

Bone and Heart Health - Slides [PDF 1,461KB]

The Psychological Impact of Perimenopause/ Menopause


This webinar will provide you with an awareness of the emotional and psychological impact that the menopause transition can have during the perimenopause and menopause stages.

The Psychological Impact of Perimenopause/Menopause


Celebrating the importance of International Menopause Day and Menopause Awareness at Queen Mary

Celebrating the importance of International Menopause Day and Menopause Awareness at Queen Mary


Menopause and Neurodiversity


This webinar will provide you with an awareness about the impact of menopause for those with neurodiversity.

Menopause and Neurodiversity

To be uploaded.

Menopause and HRT Awareness - The Myths and Facts


This webinar will provide you with a general awareness of the menopause and HRT and some myths and facts that are associated with each.

Menopause and HRT Awareness - The Myths and Facts

Menopause and HRT Awareness - The Myths and Facts [PDF 1,834KB]

Cardiovascular Disease in Men and Women - Getting to the Heart of the Matter


This webinar will provide you with a general awareness of the difference between Cardiovascular Disease, in Men and Women and provide advice on how we can look after our hearts.

Pregnancy and Cardiovascular Risk

Cardiovascular Disease in Men and Women - Getting to the Heart of the Matter

To be uploaded.

Do you have the knowledge and confidence to support your staff during their menopause journey?


This webinar will provide you with a general awareness of how managers can support staff through their menopause journey. It will provide awareness about the importance of the Equality Act in relation to the menopause. Share some examples of successful Employment Tribunal cases related to menopause claims. The aim of the session is to enable manager to feel comfortable and confident in supporting staff.

Do you have the knowledge and confidence to support your staff during their menopause journey? Do you have the knowledge and confidence to support your staff during their menopause journey? - Slides [PDF 1,496KB]
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