Please click on a frequently asked question to jump to the relevant answer:
Do we record half days or only full days sickness?Are hospital appointments (and doctors / dentists) sickness?Does my line manager have to know the details of my sickness?How do I fix errors with my sickness record?Why have I been recorded off sick till the end of the month?How and when does payroll processing take place?Why can I only be off from the College for one reason?Why do I get an error message about holiday entitlement when I try to book leave?What is and where can I find information on Workplace Options (formerly Employee Advisory Resource)?
What are manager reports?How do I access these reports?What can I report on as a manager?If one of my staff has another post in the College elsewhere, what do I see?I think the data the report(s) are showing isn’t correct. What do I do?If I am concerned about the absence levels of my staff, what are the next steps?What does "continuous service" mean on the Length of Service report?Why is the sickness data not always completely up-to-date?Can I export these reports to a spreadsheet or print them?Is there a document guide that I can refer to?Can I delegate the running of these reports?
MyHR is the online service for staff to view and amend relevant personal data held about them by the HR Department.
MyHR is concerned with making the College’s processes more efficient and streamlined. MyHR will give staff more control of their personal details, save time and should enable the information stored to be more accurate.
Personal data: title, forenames and surname, known as and previous surname (if applicable)Address: home address, contact numbers and email addressBank account details: sort code and account number (only last four digits shown)Emergency contact details: name, address and contact numbers of your next of kinEqual opportunities information: gender, ethnicity, nationality and disabilityYou can also view and print your monthly payslip and P60 certificate.
You will also be able to submit requests for annual leave for managers to authorise.
With MyHR you can logon and edit the details, this submits an electronic form to ResourceLink (core HR/Payroll system) and automatically updates your details.
If you change any of your details an email is generated to yourself for security purposes informing you that your details have been changed.
Yes there are. Please see below:
Currently supported and tested Web Browsers:
Minimum - 1024 x 768 @ 65536 (16 bit) resolution
Recommended - 1400 x 900 @ 65536 (16 bit) resolution or above. wide-screen resolution recommended for split screen and dashboard functionality
Microsoft Office XP (or above) Viewer required, (Word and Exel Viewer) for viewing downloaded documents
Microsoft Office XP (or above), (Word and Excel) or compatible products for editing and manipulation of downloaded documents and data files
Adobe Acrobat Reader V9+ for PDF document viewing
IT Services offer a remote working service. This allows you to access your office-based facilities whilst out of the office. There are different methods depending on whether you want to access the office from home, from your laptop anywhere in the world, or any computer. Please refer to the remote access tools page on the ITS web pages.
Yes! In line with the IT regulations staff should not give their username or password to any other person, these are solely for the use of the person they are assigned to.
To access MyHR for the first time you require your College user name and password (as supplied by IT Services).
You will also be asked to input your National Insurance number, as well as setting a memorable word which will become your MyHR password.
This could be one of two things:
1) College ID and Password
You can verify you are entering the correct information by checking your College ID and password here. If do not know or think you are entering the wrong password you will need to contact IT Services. You can email a reset request to IT Services or call them on extension 8888.
2) Your Memorable Information
If you have forgotten your memorable information or you have put in the incorrect memorable word with the result of the system locking you out. You can email IT Services to unlock your account or call them on extension 8888.
We acknowledge that some staff will not have a NI number when they start their employment. If there is no NI number recorded in the system you will not be asked that security question. The system will still ask you to set your memorable information.
The College has deemed that at the moment such a link presents too much risk from a data security perspective. The MyHR team have revisited this a number of times but the threat comes from 'phishing'. gives further explanation on this issue.
Your data security is the number one priority for MyHR. Personal data is one of the most valuable assets the College holds and we will protect it accordingly. On your initial log in there are three levels of authentication which reduces to two on subsequent log ins. The first level of authentication is your College ID and password. We've used this to reduce the burden on staff remembering yet another log in. The second level of authentication is a memorable word unique to MyHR. This extra security is to protect your sensitive information, including your address and bank details.
For your own security, MyHR automatically logs you out if you don't click for a period of time. But don't wait to be logged out. Important: If you've finished with MyHR, you need to ensure that you end your session by selecting the 'Sign out' button and then closing down your internet browser.
We do not hold appointment information previous to 2001 electronically on the core staff database. Therefore it is not available through MyHR. The College migrated to the current database in 2001 and managerial decision was made then not to import appointment history before this date. If you wish to see this information, it is held in a paper based format and your relevant HR contact can provide this for you. The fact that these employment details do not appear on MyHR does not have an impact on your pension or any other employee related payments.
Managers can see basic employment details such as start dates, employment history (including grade details) and absence details all relating to the day to day management of staff. Managers can not see personal data such as home address, bank details or equal opportunities information (disability, ethnicity etc). If you have any queries around this please contact your HR team.
Sickness is recorded in full days only.
Every effort should be made to schedule appointments outside of work. General or routine medical or dental appointments should not be recorded as sick absence.
No. In sensitive cases sickness can be recorded without a reason by your Line Manger. The reason “[select]” will show. HR can record details hidden from view.
Contact HR and we will investigate further.
If no return to work date is known a default setting of the last day of the calendar month is entered. This is due to a technicality with the payroll. If left blank your pay could be affected. When a return date is known the sickness notification can be updated.
Sickness records are payroll processed on the 8th (or nearest working day) of each month.
An employee is only ever recorded as, for example, sick or on holiday. They cannot be both sick and on holiday. If you have a specific case to discuss please contact HR.
The error reads “ERROR: Unable to process holiday request, as holiday entitlement has not been set up for the requested dates. Please contact the system administrator.” This means that your work pattern (the days you work in the week) has not been set up in the background. You will need to contact your HR administrator so they can do this for you. Please note you can still take leave and then book it retrospectively once you return as long as your line manager is aware of this.
More information and contact details can be found here
Manager Reports are four simple reports that Managers can access through MyHR to report on staff they manage.
They are in ‘Manager View’ on MyHR that is available to all managers. Go into Manager View from the MyHR home page and on the right hand side under the ‘Modules’ menu will be a link to ‘Manager Reports’.
Currently there are four reports that are available which will show the staff you manage. These are: Absence Between Two Dates | Absence Summary for Year | Length of Service | List of Employees
As long the staff member with more than one post reports to you in some capacity, they will be included on your reports. When post details are displayed, they will be for the post that is relevant to your team.
However please note that absence is attached to the staff member rather than a specific post. This means the absence reports may show days they had off when in a post that isn’t in your team or department.
You will need to contact HR in the first instance. They can discuss the issue with you and amend or correct the data in the core system which is reflected on MYHR.
Please contact the HR Adviser for your faculty to discuss any concerns you may be having, or refer to the Managing Sickness Guidelines.
The HR Admin team process sickness between the 8th and 10th of the month, therefore if sickness dates have been entered but not processed they will not appear in the statistics.
You can print off the reports by selecting [Print] in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. You cannot currently export this data to Excel or any other software programs. However you can highlight the results table on MyHR, copy it and paste it into MS Excel or MS Word etc.
Yes. There is. Click here to see where they are kept on the website ready for download.
Unfortunately not at present.