Referrals to the Occupational Health Service
Members of staff may be referred to the Occupational Health Service for specialist advice regarding health issues affecting work. Examples of when this might be appropriate are as follows:
Fitness to return to work after illness or injury.
Returning to work after long-term absence.
Repeated short term absence from work attributed to sickness.
Work performance issues when ill health may be implicated.
This is not an exhaustive list, for further advice please contact Occupational Health and/or Human Resources.
For further information see Sickness Absence.
A Guide to Making an Online Referral to Occupational Health is available Online referral guide for QMUL Staff (updated 13.10.20) [PDF 278KB] aswell as an Occupational Health Referral Guideline for Managers is available for download - Referral guidelines for managers - QMUL Staff (updated 13.10.20) [PDF 143KB] and Referral assistance - sample questions [PDF 99KB]
Medical and Dental Students
Whilst at University all medical and dental students should be able to study, perform to the best of their ability and engage in clinical placement, the reality of university life means that some students can find it challenging and may require assistance. The School can seek advice form Occupational Health on matters such as:
Fitness to practice including study and participation in clinical placements.
Returning to study following an absence.
Accident or injury.
For details please contact
Medical students: Please seek advice from your Student Support Office
Students of Institute of Dentistry: Please seek advice from your Student Support Office, 5th Floor Dental Hospital Building
Self referrals
Self-referral to Occupational Health may be useful for discussing concerns about the impact of a health problem on one’s capacity to work or the effect of the workplace on one’s health. Such confidential appointments may help you to understand the options available and arrive at a decision on what to do when uncertain. However, most referrals to Occupational Health come through a line manager via Human Resources as appropriate. This is the best route for accessing support for the majority of occupational health work-related issues because it involves the appropriate people within the University to deal with them.
Self-referral to Occupational Health has limitations on how much assistance can be given for workplace matters, because management are not involved. Following management referrals, the Occupational Health Physician or Nurse Advisor writes a report to the referrer with the individual’s consent. Copies of reports are sent to individuals. Medical confidentiality is observed, as required by professional codes of conduct and as outlined in the Occupational Health management referral protocol. With a self-referral, reports are usually not written and therefore the manager cannot be expected to have knowledge of a problem and cannot give appropriate support.
Self-referrals are not helpful if action by your manager or the University is expected. In order for them to know about health matters and work, the management referral process to Occupational Health should be used and you can discuss this with your line manager or HR.
Occupational Health does not diagnose or treat health conditions, so you should consult with your general practitioner for advice and treatment for all health issues.
Any self-referral to the Occupational Health will be seen and assessed initially by an Occupational Health Adviser and confidential advice given. If the OH Adviser thinks it would be helpful, referral on to the Occupational Health Physician can occur. Follow up appointments are discretionary and not offered initially for self-referral cases. A self-referral cannot occur if a management referral has already been made.
Employees can self-refer to Occupational Health by e-mailing or by phoning 0207 882 8700.
Please note that Occupational Health is unable to offer a primary treatment service, this is the role of your general practitioner.