Study leave
Attending internal development activites
The line manager is responsible for agreeing and arranging release from work to attend development activities. Release would usually be provided for development which supports achievement of work objectives or service delivery, or which contributes to the personal and professional development of an individual employee. Line managers may refuse requests for release to attend development activities if this would cause significant impact on service delivery, would incur excessive costs, or result in excessive time away from the workplace.
Study leave for external development activites
The University will provide for study leave only in circumstances where an employee is required to complete an exam (or similar formal, timetabled assessment). Criteria for these circumstances will be documented as part of any centrally funded initiative for staff to complete a formal academic qualification, as this is likely to be the main source of such requests. If completion of a formal academic qualification is being funded from department budgets then the line manager will need to make arrangements to ensure that the learners work duties are covered while completing exams. Reasonable study leave may be granted at the discretion of the line manager.
The University would not provide study leave or release from work for employees to complete written assignments (or similar) for a programme of study which are not formally timetabled as for exams – for example, to write an assignment as part of the Institute of Leadership and Management qualifications. It would be reasonable for the employee to complete such work in their own time, in addition to their typical work duties.
Useful documents
The HR Department has prepared a case management form to assist Heads in dealing with any Section 63D requests they receive. You can find the application form on the Human Resources Leave and Absence Forms page.