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Human Resources

Developing Your Staff

Apprenticeship can be used to develop you existing staff and to recruit and develop new talent.

To hear from some of those already managing apprenticeships across the University on what advice they would give watch the short video below. 

Benefits of recruiting apprentices:

Apprenticeship contracts

Apprenticeship costs

Steps to recruiting an apprentice

Benefits of recruiting apprentices:

  • Address skills gaps: Develop the skills and competencies your team is missing and shape your future workforce. 
  • Attract and retain: Offering a qualification during the recruitment process can encourage applications for hard-to-recruit posts. Due to the breadth of qualifications and levels, apprenticeships can be utilised for senior positions as well as early career routes. Consider all vacant and new posts as possible apprenticeships. 
  • Embedding a learning culture: An apprenticeship provides a good opportunity for learning and application of new Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours. In addition, apprenticeships will provide others with the opportunity to mentor and pass on crucial knowledge. 
  • Diversify the workforce: Apprenticeships can provide access to opportunities based on development potential rather than prior experience.

Apprenticeship contracts:

There are two options when recruiting apprentices; fixed-term only or fixed-term with career progression. Whichever option is selected, apprentices must be issued contracts which are long enough to complete the training and final end point assessment which will be determined by the chosen apprenticeship standard.

At the end of the apprenticeship, if fixed-term only was selected the contract will end as with any fixed-term position. If you decided on a career progression contract the apprentice would move into the substantive post if all criteria for this post has been met.

What is the cost of recruiting an apprentice?

There are two main costs to hiring an apprentice:

1. Qualification costs and training fees.

Apprenticeship qualifications are funded centrally via the Queen Mary Apprenticeship Levy. This is managed by the Staff Apprenticeship Manager and paid directly to approved training providers. There will be no cost to your budget, except for any exam re-sits, professional memberships or where specific items, for example, software or uniforms are needed.

2. Salary costs

The apprentice’s salary must be funded from your departmental budget like any other role. Queen Mary Policy is generally to grade apprentice posts at the grade below the aspirational post and appoint at the bottom of the scale. The aspirational post is the job that the apprentice will be working towards by gaining the knowledge skills and behaviours.

Apprentices have the same employment rights and conditions as other employees including their annual leave entitlement, inclusion in the pension scheme, etc.

You will not have to pay employer National Insurance Contributions for apprentices under 25.

Steps to recruiting an apprentice:

Recruiting an apprentice follows all the usual steps to recruit any member of staff, with some additional points:

  1. Identify the skills gap or vacancy that you would like to fill and the salary budget.
  2. Find an Apprenticeship Standard that would support this workforce need. The Staff Apprenticeship Manager can support you with this, but it is helpful for you to have an initial check.
  3. Speak to the Staff Apprenticeship Team who will advise on timelines and check that training provision is available to meet your need. Time may be needed to procure a training provider if this has not already been done.
  4. Draft a job profile and advert using the specific apprenticeship templates

For more information and guidance on recruiting an apprentice or managing an apprentice more generally please visit Managing an Apprentice in CPD Training

Please contact the Apprenticeship Team on with any queries about recruiting apprentices.

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