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Study Time

A ‘Learner Journey’ and 'Training plan’ for the apprenticeship will be provided and overseen by the Training Provider. This will map out the learning from start to finish and ensure that all parties are clear on how much off-the-job training is expected.

What 'Off-the-Job' Training Means 

Apprentices must spend 6 hours per week (prorata) of their employed time undertaking training and learning activities that support their competency in the apprenticeship. The total time is calculated at the start of the apprenticeship and considers the number of working hours, annual leave and apprenticeship duration. The dedicated 6 hours per week does not necessarily mean one whole day per week; the way it is taken will depend on a number of factors and will be agreed upon by all at the start.  

The learning activities must be recorded and evidence, and the training provider will give the apprentice access to an online learning platform to do this. The learning record will contain items such as assignments, reflective notes, work products (evidence of real work) and witness testimony. Apprentices will not be able to complete their End Point Assessment without evidencing the off-the-job learning time.  

The training provider and the manager are responsible for planning the learning tasks to ensure that the Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours (KSBs) of the apprenticeship standard can be learnt and competence can be met. Training providers will support managers to do this.

Off-the-job training time might include some time away from work while completing training provider-led activities, for example - classes, lectures and writing assignments, but will also include time spent applying the new skills and competencies in their work or taking on additional real work tasks and projects.

To determine what will count towards this the following questions can help:  

  1. Is the activity directly relevant to the apprenticeship standard? 
  2. Is the activity imparting new knowledge, skills or behaviours? 
  3. Is the learning being completed in the apprentice's normal working hours?  

Training Provider-Led Activities 

The training provider may deliver their training in block release, day release, online learning or a bespoke tutor-led timetable. They will meet with the line manager and apprentice at regular intervals to plan how this learning can then be applied and evidenced in the workplace through real work. 

Training Provider activities can include:

  • 1:1 teaching & learning of theory.
  • Classroom learning such as lectures, tutorials, presentations, and facilitated discussions. 
  • Simulations.
  • Demonstrations.  
  • Teaching how to use equipment, complete a skilled task or learn a process.
  • Coursework, written assignments, projects, exams, and feedback.

Employer-Led Activities 

These take place in the workplace and can include: 

  • Application of new Knowledge, Skills or Behaviours.
  • Work projects & tasks which support the apprenticeship KSBs 
  • Mentor support and directed learning.
  • Shadowing & reflective discussion/notes 
  • Training on a new process, system or procedure.
  • Completing a project for change.
  • Reviewing and developing processes. 
  • Writing reports. 
  • Role play & simulation exercises 
  • Industry visits 
  • Self-study - e.g. policy review 
  • Meeting with other apprentices to discuss roles & networking (structured) 

Further Resources: 

More information on Off-The-Job Training and the role of the manager can be found in Managing an Apprentice in CPD Training.

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