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The law on workplace pensions requires that, if you are an eligible member of staff or casual worker, QMUL must enrol you into one of its supported pension schemes – this is called automatic enrolment because it is automatic for staff – you do not have to take any action to be enrolled into a pension scheme. Auto-enrolment is intended to encourage you to save into a pension scheme to provide for your retirement.

  • If you are already in one of pensions schemes (USS, SAUL or NHS) your pension scheme membership will not be affected.
  • If you have opted out of the pension scheme already, you may be auto-enrolled at the three year anniversary as required by UK law.

‌‌‌Opting out of the Pension scheme

If you are an employee who is currently contributing to a pension scheme and wish to opt out/withdraw from the scheme, please complete the relevant form from the selection set out below and return it to

If you would like further information about auto-enrolment please email or visit the Department for Work & Pensions (DWP) website.


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