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Institute for Competition and Consumers (ICC)

GAR 2019


  • Dr Eda Sahin
  • Necla Sumer Ozdemir, LLM
  • Ritika Sood, LLM

Global Antitrust Review 2019

Read individual contributions or download the full GAR 2019 [PDF 1,787KB].



  • Presumption of Innocence: Towards a More Legitimate EU Cartel Enforcement by Alexandru-Andrei Dumitru
  • EU Competition Soft Law, National Courts and Multi-Level Enforcement: Certainty and Consistency Secured? by Zlatina Georgieva
  • Aggregate Concentration in the Context of Competition Law: The Suitability of Regulation Against Excessive Concentration of Market Power by Kosuke Shiozawa
  • Securing Competition in LNG Markets: Analysis of the Anti-Trust Issues in LNG Contracts by Metincan Kaban


  • The Intersection between Intellectual Property Rights and Competition Law in light of Standard Essential Patents by Giulia Sonderegger
  • Lundbeck and Servier the Anti-Competitive Findings Are Harmful to Consumer Welfare by Jason Cheung
  • Refusal to License: A Fine Balance between Antitrust & IPR Laws Shaurya Aron and Shweta Murarka

Book review

  • Competition Litigation UK Practice and Procedure reviewed by Alicja Pawlowska
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