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Institute for Competition and Consumers (ICC)

GAR 2021


  • Dr Eda Sahin-Sengul

Assistant editors

  • Necla Sumer Ozdemir
  • Ritika Sood

Global Antitrust Review 2021

Read individual contributions or download the full Global Antitrust Review 2021 [PDF 1,421KB].



  • An Assessment of the EU Leniency Policy and the Future Direction of Cartel Combat by Sally MacDonald
  • This Is Extremely Dangerous to Our Democracy: Can EU Competition Law Safeguard Media Plurality? by Ryan Mullen


  • Competition Commission of India’s Tryst With Whatsapp: The Need for Recalibration in the Approach by Towards Regulation of Big Tech by Mehar Singh Dang
  • The Price Isn’t Right: Proving Pricing Abuses By Dominant App Stores by Shreya Rajasekaran and Vidhi Damani
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