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Economy in the Planthropocene: on Plants, Solidarity, and Worldmaking

When: Wednesday, September 14, 2022, 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Where: The Graduate Centre, Room 1.01, Queen Mary University, Mile End Road, London, E1 4NS

In this symposium we present more-than-human solidarity using our relationship with plants as a guide. Drawing on ‘undisciplined’ research and art, we reappraise colonial legacies through plants, unravel the work of ‘restoration’ and explore the meanings of being in solidarity with plants to re-imagine worldmaking as a practice of care

Timetable for the event and participants

11:00 - 11:45 am Introduction: Giulia Carabelli and Gavin Maclean with Anna Lawrence (University of Cambridge)

11:45 am - 12;30 pm Panel Presentations: Franklin Ginn (University of Bristol), Gabriella Hirst (Artist and Researcher) and Paula Serafini (Queen Mary, University of London)

12:30 - 1:30 pm Garden Walk and Lunch

1:30 - 2:30 pm Panel Q&A

2:30 - 3:00 pm Networking

About the event

This event is a part of the Sociological Review Seminar Series and has been funded by the Sociological Review Foundation and is organised by IHSS Research Programme Head for Environmental Futures (climate change as socio-cultural phenomenon) Dr Giulia Carabelli (Queen Mary University of London) and Dr Gavin Maclean (Edinburgh Napier University).

This event will be run as a hybrid event. In person capacity will be limited to 30 people. Those who register for online will be emailed the link in advance of the event via Eventbrite.

There are a small amount of travel bursaries to help PhD students or ECRs without expenses. Please contact the organisers if you would be interested in applying for one.

For more about this event please go to the Eventbrite page.

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