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Workshop on Pedagogy

When: Friday, May 24, 2024, 10:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Where: ArtsTwo Building, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, E1 4NS

Pluriversal Feminisms and Multispecies Justice: Thinking with/from the Global South one-day workshop on Pedagogy

The organisers invite scholars and artists thinking with the Global South to reflect on pedagogic potentialities of pluriversal thinking: what imaginaries of the otherwise emerge? How can our work in the classrooms, in community educational spaces undo the colonial/imperial/geopolitical hierarchies of knowledge and power? How do we craft feminist teaching spaces rooted in ethical praxis in and beyond universities?

Email and by 15 May 2024, if you wish to participate.

The workshop is organised by Dr Niharika Pandit and Dr Swati Arora and funded by the IHSS Early Career Workshop Funding Scheme.

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