If you're visiting this page, then you probably have been granted a Conditional Offer to go abroad with Queen Mary. Congratulations! You've made a great decision to enhance your Queen Mary degree with an experience overseas on one of our programmes.
It is important for you to attend all Pre-Departure briefings/workshops/events to which you are invited, as pre-departure guidance varies depending on your exchange programme and destination. As you prepare for your exchange, these briefings are a vital way to receive useful information, to ask questions (saving you time and avoiding misunderstandings down the line) and also to meet other students going abroad.
You should not submit or complete any materials for the partner institution until you have accepted your Conditional offer of exchange and Queen Mary has confirmed that your nomination to the partner has been completed and accepted.
Once you are holding a Conditional offer to go abroad next academic year, you will be given access to the Pre-Departure tab of our QMplus page "Go Abroad, Student Information & Resources" where detailed and complete pre-departure instructions will be later available.
In the meantime, you may find a general summary below of what pre-departure steps students complete:
Please ensure you read all information you receive from us and your host institution or organisation carefully and complete all actions.
It is your responsibility to ensure you are well prepared for your time abroad by following our guidance.
The list below is a a brief overview but by no means exhaustive of the steps that nominated students must complete before they depart on exchange. Your Checklist will cover all your required steps in more detail. In the meantime, you may refer to the below overview as you begin to research your programme and destination, contacting us if you have any queries:
Before you set off for your exchange, you will need to organise your accommodation, contract(s), finances and make your travel arrangements (in addition to completing mandatory paperwork for both Queen Mary and your host institution abroad).
The following links should give you some advice to learn more about your forecasted host country: