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IT Services

Infrastructure Governance Board

IT Service and Estates and Facilities have three shared governance board. The Infrastructure Enabling Plan combines both directorates enabling plans to ensure better alignment of capital investment and other enabling plans that are guiding QMULs 2030 strategy. The three levels of Governance board are outlined below;
Infrastructure Strategy Board (ISB) – This board looks at strategic benchmarking and review. They meet on a quarterly basis, the membership is made up of QMUL Senior Executive Team with external experts in attendance as needed.
Infrastructure Steering Group (ISG) – This board is Chaired by the COO. They meet every 6 weeks review progress against the Infrastructure Enabling plan and projects and programmes delivering transformative change for QMUL. 
Infrastructure Operation Board (IOB) – This board is Chaired by the CIO and Director of Estates. They meet every 6 weeks to give oversite and approval to operational (maintain and improvement) projects and programmes.
Below this each project is aligned to a programme of work and has a Project Board or Working Group (depending on project size) to assure the day to day delivery and direction of the project. 
For more information please click here [PDF 286KB]
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