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IT Services

Domain Team Lead

The Domain Technical Lead (DTL) group provides technical assurance for projects; it approves or denies the technical design solutions to ensure appropriate use of technology and alignment with the QMUL’s IT infrastructure.  All project proposals are submitted to this group for design review and estimation before project initiation. The project then returns during the project lifecycle with its detailed technical design for review and approval.

The primary responsibility of the Domain Team Lead Technical Design Authority is to maintain the integrity of QM’s enterprise architecture. This will include:

  • Quality Assurance: To ensure the integrity of QMUL’s IT architecture, ensuring that new and upgraded systems are fit for purpose and comply with the standards necessary to maintain a robust, consistent, efficient, effective and integrated technical infrastructure.
  • Technical Assurance: To validate changes to technical standards recommended by the Domain Teams and either pass the recommendation back to the Domain Teams for revision or, where validated, pass the recommendation to the IT Services Lead Team for approval.
  • Communication: To ensure that the interfaces (communications) between programmes, projects, Domain Teams and other guardians of the organisations’ standards and policies, are adequate.

 The group meets weekly and consists of the following Domain Leads:

  • Technical Lead/Solution Architect (Cloud)  - Chair
  • Application Domain Team Lead – Head of Enterprise Systems
  • Infrastructure Domain Team Lead – Head of Data Centre Services
  • Network Domain Team Lead – Head of Network Services
  • Security Domain Team Lead – Head of Information Security
  • Endpoint Domain Team Lead – Head of Client Devices and AV Design
  • Methodology Domain Team Lead – Head of Service Delivery
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