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IT Services


This page contains a list of IT Services Policies and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) that help to define how the department operates. Overarching policies can be found on the QMUL Policy zone.

The documents remains active until it is superseded and a new version is uploaded. If it is deemed no longer valid then the document is retired and removed from the list below.  

Governance Frameworks

IT Governance Framework - Under Construction

IT Project Governance - Under Construction



Information Security & Data Governance (SOP) Policies

IS01 Information Security & Acceptable Use Policy [PDF 313KB]
Approved by:  ITLT Last Review 27.07.23                                                                                           

DG00 Review and Update of Polices [PDF 250KB]
Approved by: ITLT  Last review: 01.12.22


Managing Information
DG01 Information Risk Assessments [PDF 365KB]
Approved by: ITLT  Last review: 02.02.23

DG09 Information Classification [PDF 391KB]
Approved by: IGG  Last review: 24.06.2022


Procurement & Confidentiality
DG03 Third Party Access to Information [PDF 429KB]
Approved by: ITLT  Last review: 02.02.23

DG04 Contracting for IT Services [PDF 547KB]
Approved by: ITLT  Last review: 20.02.17

DG07 Procuring IT Hardware & Software [PDF 270KB]
Approved by: ITLT  Last review: 02.02.23


DG08 Implementing IT Systems [PDF 369KB]
Approved by: ITLT  Last review: 02.02.23

DG06 IT Incident (Malfunction) Reporting [PDF 354KB]
Approved by: ITLT  Last review: 10.12.21

DG10 IT Equipment Disposal [PDF 266KB]
Approved by: ITLT  Last review: 02.02.23

DG17 IT User Account Management Policy [PDF 273KB]
Approved by: ITLT  Last review: 02.02.23

DG19 IT Remote Access [PDF 397KB]
Approved by: ITLT  Last review: 31.03.17

DG20 Access to and Use of Email
Superseded by: IS01 Information Security & Acceptable Use Policy - 27.03.23

DG23 Computer Room Operation [PDF 408KB]
Approved by: ITLT  Last review: 29.06.20

DG24 Working in Secure Areas [PDF 241KB]
Approved by: ITLT  Last review: 02.02.23

DG25 Configuration, Change and Release Management [PDF 272KB]
Approved by: ITLT  Last review: 02.02.23

DG28 Network Management [PDF 665KB]
Approved by: ITLT  Last review: 31.03.17

DG29 Acceptable Use of IT
Superseded by: IS01 Information Security & Acceptable Use Policy - 27.03.23

ITS Computing Device Policy v1.8 [PDF 1,067KB]
Approved by: ITLT Last review:  30.08.24

ITP07 - Self Managed Devices [PDF 360KB]
Approved by: ITLT Last review: 22.03.22


DG05 Information Security Incident Reporting [PDF 269KB]
Approved by: ITLT  Last review: 02.02.23

DG11 System Access Controls [PDF 355KB]
Approved by: ITLT  Last review: 08.07.20

DG12 Cryptographic Controls [PDF 247KB]
Approved by: ITLT  Last review: 02.02.23

DG18 Password Management 
Superseded by: IS01 Information Security & Acceptable Use Policy - 27.03.2023

DG21 Disconnection from the system
Approved by: ITLT  Last review: Retired

DG27 IT Security Incident Management [PDF 284KB]
Approved by: ITLT  Last review: 10.12.21

Secure Desk Working Policy
Superseded: IS01 Information Security & Acceptable Use Policy - 27.03.2023


System Recovery
QMUL BC Policy V1.5.pdf
Approved by: ITLT  Last review: 29.01.21

DG26 System Backup and Recovery [PDF 264KB]
Approved by: ITLT  Last review: 02.02.23


Logs & Audits
DG13 Managing Information Records
Approved by: IGG  Last review: Retired

DG22 Maintenance of Security Logs [PDF 537KB]
Approved by: ITLT  Last review: 22.03.18


IT Related Policies

If the link does not work copy & paste the URL into your browser.

Information Governance

Records Management

Managing Electronic Information

Data Protection Policy [PDF 268KB]

Janet acceptable use policy

Central Print Policy [PDF 498KB]

Patch Management Policy [PDF 717KB]

BYOD Policy [PDF 523KB]
BYOD Appendix - B [PDF 244KB]

Guidance Documents

ITS Device Policy Guidance v2.4 [PDF 428KB]

Guidelines on Cloud Services [PDF 669KB]

Web Application Guidance [PDF 1,000KB]

SDD and NCR Naming Convention [PDF 704KB]

Guide to current service offering - PC and Print May 2016 [PDF 88KB]

IT Service Offerings Description Document v4.0 [PDF 954KB]

Guidance for Recruiting Individuals [PPT 479KB]

IS14 Staff Travelling to High-risk Countries [PDF 1,217KB]


Risk Management

QMUL Risk Policy

QMUL Risk Management



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