Apocrita has over a petabyte of IBM Spectrum Scale (formerly called GPFS) storage. This is a high-performance clustered file system which provides concurrent high-speed file access to your data. It is widely used in HPC both commercially and in academia. The storage system is connected to the QMUL Enterprise backup solution (TSM) to provide a high level of data resilience.
ITS Research can provide more information on how to gain access as well as discuss any additional requirements you may have, please contact the ITS Research Consultants: its-research-consultants@qmul.ac.uk
To ensure we meet strict data standards within the School of Medicine and Dentistry we can provide access to a Data Safe Haven (DSH) to allow research using personal, sensitive or confidential data.
We provide storage for anonymised data up to 1TB free of charge.
If you require storage over 1TB, please contact the ITS Research Consultants: its-research-consultants@qmul.ac.uk
The Information Storage Matrix indicates the appropriate data storage platform(s), for your data based on the security classification of the data concerned. It is contained within QM’s Data/Information Governance Policy (DG09), which you can familiarize yourselves with here. It is particularly insightful for researchers.