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IT Services


Our 'Appsanywhere' service allows you to access some of Queen Mary's specialised apps when away from your department or campus. It is available to both staff and students and there are a few ways to access it. 


How to access Appsanywhere as a student or an academic 

You can either access Appsanywhere through your web browser, by clicking on the following link. You could also download the service on your device: 

Please note that you will be prompted to use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). You can find more information about MFA on the following page.  


How to access Appsanywhere as professional services 

You can access Appsanywhere through your web browser, by clicking on the following link. You will then be provided with the option to use Appsanywhere as a web browser or to download the system. 

Please note that you will be prompted to use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). You can find more information about MFA on the following page. 

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