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IT Services

Project Governance

All capital projects requiring IT change follow an agreed project governance, based on an eight stage process with gateway reviews throughout, where authorisation to proceed is required before the project can continue to the next stage/s. These 8 stages in turn align with the 5 Gateways used by all change projects across QMUL

The purpose of a gateway review is to make sure the Project Board or relevant governance forum, has enough information to evaluate the success of the current stage, assess the actual progress of the project against

planned progress and to verify that the business justification used to initiate the project is still valid.

If the Project Board is able to successfully evaluate, assess and verify to its satisfaction, it can approve the commencement of the next stage of the project.

These pages provide detailed information and support material for any person who is involved in a capital project, as well as template documents, for Project Managers and the Programme Management Office.


The stages

  1. Project Mandate
  2. Business Case
  3. Project Initiation Documentation
  4. Detailed Design
  5. Build and Test
  6. Transition
  7. Early Life Support
  8. Closure

To contact the PMO please email:






ISG & IOB Meeting Dates and Paper Deadlines

  Infrastructure Steering Group (ISG) Infrastructure Operations Board (IOB)

Paper Deadlines


Paper Deadlines


  Meeting (11am) Meeting (2pm)    
Jan-24 25th Jan 29th Jan 4th Jan 8th Jan
Feb-24 - - - -
Mar-24 28th Mar 11th Mar 7th Mar 19th Feb
Apr-24 - 29th Apr - 8th Apr
May-24 16th May - 25th Apr -
Jun-24 20th Jun 10th Jun 30th May 24th May
Jul-24 - 15th Jul - 24th Jun
Aug-24 1st Aug 27th Aug 11th July 5th Aug
Sep-24 19th Sep - 29th Aug -
Oct-24 31st Oct 7th Oct 10th Oct 16th Sept
Nov-24 - 18th Nov   28th Oct
Dec-24 5th Dec - 14th Nov -


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