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IT Services

Stage 2: Detailed Business Case


The primary purpose of this stage is to develop the Detailed Business Case – the document that lays out the fully-considered implications of the project. 

These implications include:

  • the options available
  • the costs and benefits to the organisation
  • the business and/or organisational change that would be required
  • the allocation of resources
  • the timescale over which the project will run
  • the major risks.

The Gate 2 review is held at the end of the Detailed Business Case stage and will verify that the Detailed Business Case contains the right information and that information is correct as far as can be determined, and enable Infrastructure Governance Boards to make a decision as to whether to proceed to project initiation.

What happens

Liaising with the Business Owner, IT Services works with the stakeholders of the project to obtain and collate the information required for the Detailed Business Case. 

The detailed business case provides the next level of detail; laying out the fully-considered implications of the project.

It enables the Infrastructure Governance Boards and ITLT to decide if the project should be initiated.



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