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Legal Advice Centre

Company Law

The Queen Mary Legal Advice Centre offers advice to companies, social enterprises, and charities. The Company Law Clinic can advise on a range of legal issues including setting up or dissolving a company, and company disputes.

As a pro-bono centre, our advice is free of charge, however there are financial criteria which must be met.

We can advise you if:

• you are a company and your turnover is less than £100 000 per year;

•you are a social enterprise and your profit-making turnover is less than £250 000 per year; or,

• you are a charity and your turnover is less than £1 million per year.

If for any reason we can’t help you, we will always try and signpost you to an organisation who can.

Contact us

Case Study

Miss R and Mr T were planning on setting up a small online retail company together. They wanted advice on how to register their company and how to create a shareholders agreement. We advised the clients on what company structure would be most suitable for them and how they could register their business. We also assisted with helping the client’s understand the types of clauses they should consider for the shareholder’s agreement. Both Miss R and Mr T said they felt the advice was thorough and that it helped them to understand all of the options available to them.



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