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Legal Advice Centre

Domestic Abuse Form Filling Clinic

CourtNav logoThe Queen Mary Legal Advice Centre runs a clinic to supports victims of domestic abuse take the first steps in obtaining non-molestation and occupation orders.

We work in conjunction with the Royal Courts of Justice Advice (RCJ Advice), and their award winning CourtNav system. Clients are offered a free one hour appointment where they are supported by trained Student Advisers to input the relevant information in the CourtNav form. The answers that are provided then generate and fill out the relevant form and supporting statement for applications.

After the appointment forms are checked by a qualified legal adviser. If a client does not qualify for legal aid or want to pay to have the assistance of a local law firm; RCJ Advice will explain the next steps and equip them with the best possible documentation to be a litigant in person.

Our clinic is open to all victims, regardless of gender.

Book an appointment at our Domestic Abuse Clinic:

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