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Legal Advice Centre

QMLAC Action for Climate Change

Law Clinics' Pledge for Climate Change

A close-up picture of the underside of a leaf - half of the leaf is bright green, the other half is yellowingIn July 2019 the Queen Mary Legal Advice Centre proudly signed up to the Law Clinics' Climate Justice Pledge. Annually, we will take part in the Global Day of Action and work on projects more widely.

This is the climate change pledge we support:

"Climate change is one of the most significant social justice issues we face.  Its impacts will be felt most by the poorest and most vulnerable. As a student law clinic with a commitment to social justice, we commit to raising awareness of the issues of climate change in our teaching, research and activism; and to finding ways to support law students to contribute to the struggle for climate justice.”


Student Law Clinic Global Day of Action for Climate Justice

Each year, on 17th November, the QMLAC join Law Clinics around the world in the Global Day of Action for Climate Justice.  

Read more about how the QMLAC has marked the day each year below:

2019Student Law Clinics' day of Action for Climate Justice

2020: Global Day of Action for Climate Justice

2021Global Day of Action for Climate Change 2021

2022: Queen Mary’s Legal Advice Centre will hold a public event to celebrate the Fourth Global Annual Day of Action for Climate Justice

2023: Global Day of Action for Climate Justice 2023





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