Have you got a complaint against the Queen Mary Legal Advice Centre? We hope that you will never have reason to complain about our service. However, if something does go wrong, please bring it to our attention as soon as you can. We will try to resolve the matter fairly and quickly.
We much prefer that substantial or complicated complaints are dealt with in writing – we do not have any set forms that we use for this purpose. However, we realise that not all clients may be able to formulate a detailed letter. In such cases, a telephone call will do, during which we will make a note of the issues and then send that to you for comment. This document will then form the basis of the complaint.
There are three separate routes of complaint depending on the nature of your complaint.
Our complaints process is hopefully simple and easy to understand. View the Queen Mary Legal Advice Centre Code of Practice Complaints Policy for Clients [PDF 163KB], including time limits on submitting complaints.