Time: 8:30am - 5:00pm Venue: The Hotel Brussels, Boulevard de Waterloo 38, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
This conference offers a unique forum for exchanging ideas and discussing recent developments in competition law across the globe. It brings together leading figures in the field from around the world including judges, competition officials, academics, in-house counsel and private practitioners. The conference combines the policy perspective of the London-based Interdisciplinary Centre for Competition Law and Policy (ICC) with the practical experience of the international law firm Baker McKenzie.This will be a one-day event, with four major areas of focus: international merger control; international cartel enforcement; private enforcement; and a debate about the degree of intervention by competition authorities. Our aim on this occasion is to bring to our audience a comprehensive update of recent developments related to these topics which will be presented in an analytical and thought-provoking way by a high-level panel of speakers from around the globe. All of the topics will be illustrated by practical examples drawn from recent cases taken from the EU, France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, the UK, the US and other competition lawregimes.
Fee: £120
Download the programme here [PDF 663KB]
For more information on this event, please email lawevents@qmul.ac.uk.
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