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School of Law

Ms Laura Edgar, LLB (Aberd)


Reader in Law

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 8069
Room Number: Lincoln's Inn Fields


Laura Edgar is the Director of Taught Programmes at CCLS, the Director of the Distance Learning Programme in Technology, Media and Telecommunications Law, and Director of the Paris LLM in Technology, Media and Telecommunications law. She lectures on AI, Robotics and the Law and Media Law on the London LLM and teaches E-commerce Law, Protection of Computer Software and Taxation and E-commerce on the Distance Learning LLM programme.


Laura's research interests are electronic commerce, particularly digital payments systems, taxation, jurisdiction, intellectual property and legal issues affecting virtual enterprises.


  • Taxing e-commerce: How feasible are Europe's plans? [2002] 4(2) Electronic Business Law, ISSN: 1464-9624
  • e-Finance legal issues, in The new world of European e-finance, London: Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation, 2002, ISBN: 095431459X [URL]
  • E-commerce as a Challenge to International Taxation, in J. Fejo, R. Nielsen and T. Riis (Editors), Legal Aspects of Electronic Commerce, Copenhagen: Jurist- og Okonomforbundets Forlag, 2001, ISBN: 8757406480 [URL]
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