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School of Law

Dr Franziska Arnold-Dwyer, PhD (QMUL), LLM (UCL), LLB (UCL), Solicitor (England & Wales)


Reader in Insurance Law, Contract Law and Sustainability, and Director of the Insurance, Shipping and Aviation Law Institute

Room Number: Lincoln's Inn Fields


Franziska has been teaching Insurance Law LLM modules at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies since 2016. Since 2019, she has been the Director of the Insurance Law LLM Programme and, since 2022, she has been the Director of the Insurance, Shipping and Aviation Law Institute. Prior to returning to Academia, Franziska practised law in the Litigation & Dispute Resolution Department at Clifford Chance LLP, one of the world’s leading law firms. Franziska is the author of 'Insurance, Climate Change and the Law', 'Insurable Interest and the Law', one of the editors of ‘The Law of Reinsurance’, the leading practitioners’ textbook in the field, and has published several papers on insurance law. She is deputy editor of the BILA Journal, regularly speaks at insurance industry events and has had educational engagements at law firms. She has assisted the Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission with their insurable interest reform project. She is a contributing author to LexisNexis and Westlaw on insurance law. Her research interests are insurance law and insurance solutions, and in particular the intersection of insurance contract law, insurance regulation, risk governance and sustainability.


Franziska’s main research interests lie in insurance law and regulation, and commercial law. She currently researches on the role of insurance and insurance law in climate change mitigation and adaptation.



Refereed Articles

  • UK Insurance Regulation after Brexit, (2023) 6 Zeitschrift für Versicherungsrecht 1
  • A Legal Framework for Net Zero Aligned Insurance Products, (2023) 29(2) Connecticut Insurance Law Journal 1
  • Decarbonisation and the Insurance Industry, (2023) Ain Shams Law Review 15
  • Book Review – Riley on Business Interruption Insurance, (2023) 135 BILA Journal
  • Book Review - Cyber Risks Insurance: Law and Practice, (2021) 133 BILA Journal
  • Insurance Law Reform by Degrees: Late Payment and Insurable Interest, (2017) 80 Modern Law Review 489
  • Taking an Interest in Insurable Interest, (2015) Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 271
  • The Disclosure of Unfounded Allegations in Business Insurance, (2014) UCL Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 173


  • The Need for a Sea Change in Climate-related Insurance, (co-authored with Julian Enoizi, CEO of Guy Carpenter Europe) 2023
  • Reinsurance Law, Westlaw Practical Law, 2020 and 2022
    Insurable Interest, LexisNexis PSL, 2020 and 2022
  • Diagnosing the symptoms, providing a cure – the Pandemic Bond, Continuity, Insurance & Risk Magazine (July 2020) (co-authored with Prof Miriam Goldby, Queen Mary)
  • Mass claims in ICSID arbitrations, DLA Piper International Arbitration Newsletter, December 2011
  • The Effect of the Bribery Act 2010 on the Insurance Sector, Clifford Chance Insurance Client Briefing (March 2011)
  • The Front Comor, Clifford Chance Insurance Review, Summer 2009
    Capital Management in Current Market Conditions, Reinsurance Legal Review, Summer 2009
  • The WEF's Report on the Convergence of Insurance and Capital Markets, Clifford Chance Insurance Review, Winter 2009
  • Takaful Insurance in the UK, Clifford Chance Insurance Review, Winter 2008
  • Post-inception Disclosure Duties, Insurance Day, October 2007
  • Mitigation of Expropriation Risk by Governmental Entities, The In-House Lawyer, April 2007
  • The ILS Environment in Bermuda and London, Clifford Chance Insurance Review, Spring 2007
  • Proposals for Regulation of Insurance SPVs, Insurance Day 08/2006
    IPT on Reinsurance of Surety Bonds, Insurance Day, August 2005
  • Insurance of Artwork, Insurance Law Monthly, 09/2004
  • The Identification of Contracts of Insurance, Clifford Chance Insurance Review, Autumn 2004
  • The Third Parties (Rights Against Insurers) Act 1930, Clifford Chance Insurance Review, Spring 2003


  • LLM Dissertation supervisions

Public Engagement

  • QMUL Delegate and Observer at the UNFCCC COP28 in Dubai (December 2023)
  • Speaker at ATILA Transatlantic Lecture Series in Insurance Law on ""The UK insurance regulatory regime post-Brexit - quo vadis?" (16 November 2023)
  • Guest lecture on "Insurance Regulation after Brexit" for the Business Law LLM at the University of Luxembourg (10 November 2023)
  • Panellist at the book launch of Paula Jarzabkowski, Konstantinos Chalkias, Eugenia Cacciatori, and Rebecca Bednarek, '“Disaster Insurance Reimagined: Protection in a Time of Increasing Risk” at Guy Carpenter (17 October 2023)
  • Queen Mary delegate and speaker at the FGV VII Research Symposium in Rio de Janeiro "Community-based Climate Risk Transfer and Resilience Building" (13 and 14 September 2023)
  • Speaker at the European Law Institute 2023 Annual Conference "The UK insurance regulatory regime post-Brexit - quo vadis?" (8 September 2023)
  • Fellow of the European Law Institute and member of the ELI Insurance Law Special Interest Group (since July 2022)
  • Speaker at and participant in the 2023 Advanced Studies on Insurance Regulation Summer School at Malta University (17-21 July 2023)
  • Co-organiser (with Fundação Getulio Vargas in Brazil) of and main speaker at “Climate Resilient Development Bonds” webinar for Brazilian insurance industry and regulators (June 2023)
  • Member of the Center for Sustainable Insurance (Germany) and the Research Center ‘Diritto, Innovazione e Sostenibilità - Law, Innovation and Sustainability’ of the University of Milano Bicocca (since April 2023)
  • QMUL Delegate and Observer at the UNFCCC COP27 in Egypt (November 2022)
  • Speaker at the Ain Shams University Cairo International Conference “Legal and Economic Aspects of Sustainable Development” (November 2022)
  • Speaker and Panel Chair at 2022 BILA Conference “Insurers doing the right thing: ESG considerations” (October 2022)
  • Speaker at the 2021 Joint Conference of Joint BILA and CCLS “Keeping it Legal: Futures Challenges in Insurance and the Role of Law and Regulation” (June 2021)
  • Speaker at the 2021 University of Glasgow Conference "Dissent in Insurance Law" (July 2021)
  • Gave evidence on the regulation of commercial insurance and reinsurance to the House of Lords Industry and Regulators Committee (February 2022)
  • Member and rapporteur of the Drafting Committee of the UNIDROIT / PRICL (Principles of Reinsurance Law) project (since July 2022)
  • Speaker at the AIDA Reinsurance Working Group event on “Reinsurance contracts and good faith” (September 2021)
  • External reviewer for the Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 
  • Appointed to the Committee of the British Insurance Law Association and as Deputy Editor of the BILA Journal (since 2019)
  • Assisted the Law Commission of England and Wales in relation to their the insurable interest reform project (July 2015)

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