Ms Norah Gallagher, BCL, Dip European Law, LLM (Dublin) MA (Padua)
Reader and Jean Monnet Chair
Norah Gallagher is the Academic Director of the Energy & Climate Change Law Institute and former ‘Jean Monnet Chair in Natural Resources Law and Policy’ (2018-2019) at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies. She is also the Director of the School of International Arbitration. Norah is a public international lawyer specialised in international dispute resolution for over twenty years. She has advised on a range of issues on international commercial and investment cases (under all of the main institutional rules; ICC, LCIA, AAA ICDR, Stockholm and ICSID). She regularly sits as arbitrator with a particular focus on natural resource disputes. Norah worked at Clifford Chance, Herbert Smith and was Director of the Investment Treaty Forum at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law from December 2007 before moving to Singapore in 2010. Previously, she was a Research Fellow of the Lauterpacht Research Centre for International Law, Cambridge for several years working on international claims from deep off shore projects to investment disputes under NAFTA, bilateral investment treaties and the Energy Charter Treaty.
Norah has taught at Queen Mary since 2002 including modules on energy law & climate change, international investment and commercial arbitration on the LLM in London, Paris and Distance Learning programmes. Norah was Adjunct Research Associate Professor at the Centre for International Law, National University of Singapore (2010-2011) and is Adjunct Professor at Xi'an Jiaotong University, China.
Work Experience
- Co arbitrator in an international arbitration related to an offshore oil and gas exploration and production project in Equatorial Guinea
- Chairman of an international tribunal related to an energy dispute about sums due under a share purchase agreement relating to projects in Greece
- Chairman of an LCIA tribunal in a dispute relating to a share purchase agreement transferring ownership of a mine in Macedonia
- Chairman of an international arbitration involving a Singaporean company and an Indonesian national in relation to sums due under a commodities contract
- Co-arbitrator in an international energy dispute involving a state owned energy company and an investment in Angola relating to the interpretation and application of a joint operating agreement
- Sole Arbitrator in an energy trading dispute between a Spanish company and a UK based company
- Sole arbitrator in a dispute between a Chinese energy company and an entity from the United Arab Emirates for sums due under a construction contract
- Co-arbitrator in an LCIA arbitration involving a dispute over sums payable under a management consultancy agreement between an Australian firm and a Russian mining company
- Co-arbitrator in an LCIA arbitration between two Singaporean energy companies over a dispute under a Standard Coal Trading Agreement
- Chairman of an LCIA three member tribunal for a dispute between a UK company and a Cambodian company relating to an intellectual property dispute under a licence agreement
- Preliminary advice on the possibility of relying on the Energy Charter Treaty to a potential investor-state dispute with a CIS State. Considering the inter-state dispute resolution provisions and their implications if an investor could persuade a state to initiate such a claim
- Advising a number of governments in relation to their land and maritime boundary disputes, dispute resolution options available to them, researching and preparing preliminary draft reports on the legal issues for their consideration
- Advising on particular aspects of international arbitration (both ad hoc and institutional) from enforcement considerations, possibility of a successful challenge of an award to pathological clauses
- Advising the Government of Pakistan on the jurisdictional phase of the Aerial Incident of 10 August 1999 (Pakistan v. India) before the International Court of Justice in March 2000
- BCL (University of Dublin)
- Diploma In European Law (University of Dublin)
- LLM Comparative European Law (University of Dublin)
- MA International Law and Human Rights (University of Padua, Italy)
- Admitted as a Solicitor in Ireland and England