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School of Law

Mr Manuel Gonzalez


Lecturer in Law

Room Number: Mile End


Mr Manuel Gonzalez is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Law at Queen Mary University of London. He specializes in private law. Manuel has taught and researched at Universidad Adolfo Ibanez (Chile), Birmingham, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and Oxford. He holds an LLB and LLM degrees from Universidad Adolfo Ibanez and an MSc in Law, Anthropology and Society from the LSE.

Undergraduate Teaching

  • Contract Law
  • Equity and Trusts


Contract law, torts, restitution, proceeds of crime, trusts and private law theory.


In Spanish: 

  • Co-editor (with Alberto Pino), La Acción de Provecho del Dolo Ajeno, Tirant lo Blanch,
    Valencia (2022) 
  • “Defensas frente a la acción de provecho del dolo ajeno” in Manuel González y Alberto Pino
    (editors) La Acción de Provecho del Dolo Ajeno, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia (2022)
  • “Comentario de Jurisprudencia: Construcción en suelo ajeno a ciencia y paciencia del dueño del
    terreno”, Revista de Derecho Universidad Católica del Norte, Vol. 28 (2021)
  • “Construcción en Suelo Ajeno a Ciencia y Paciencia del Dueño del Terreno: una aproximación dogmática al inciso segundo del artículo 669 del Código Civil”, Revista Chilena de Derecho Privado N° 28 (2017) (cited by the Chilean Supreme Court in Arratia v Herrera ROL 37873-2017 and subsequent decisions)
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