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School of Law

Dr Eva Nanopoulos


Reader in Law

Room Number: Mile End


Eva joined Queen Mary in 2016, having previously taught at Sidney Sussex College and King’s College, Cambridge. Her work draws on decolonial, feminist, and Marxist theory to develop historically informed and potentially transformative critiques of public law, broadly construed to include EU law, international law, and constitutional law. She is particularly interested in understanding the historical development, specificity and dynamics of capitalism and capitalist imperialism, as well as the role of law in these processes. In that context, she has been particularly concerned to develop a better understanding of some of the key binaries that structure our global social totality, such as the distinction between war and peace, the political and the economic, and the mind and body. She is author of The Juridification of Individual Sanctions and the Politics of EU Law (Hart, 2020) and co-edited The Crisis Behind the Euro-Crisis: The Euro-Crisis as a Multi-Dimensional Systemic Crisis of the EU (CUP, 2019) and Capitalist States and Marxist State Theory (Palgrave, 2023). She is the co-director of the Queen Mary Centre of Law and Society in a Global Context, as part of which she founded the ‘capital and power’ research stream and co-founded the ‘Law and Marxism’ series. She is also a member of the editorial collective @legalform, a forum for Marxist analysis and critique, and sat as juror on the International People’s Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism: Sanctions, Blockades, and Unilateral Coercive Measures. In early 2024, she was an IASH-SSPS Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh and from April 2024, she will hold a Leverhulme Research Fellowship to work on her new book, A Decolonial Legal History of Sanctions.

Undergraduate Teaching

  • LAW6034 International Human Rights Law
  • LAW6021 Jurisprudence

Postgraduate Teaching




  • (eds) Capitalist States and Marxist State Theory (Palgrave, 2023) (with R Hunter and R Khachaturian)
  • The Juridification of Individual Sanctions & the Politics of EU Law (Hart Publishing, 2020)
  • (eds) The Crisis Behind the Euro-Crisis: The Euro-Crisis as a Multi-Dimensional Systemic Crisis of the EU (Cambridge University Press, 2019) (with F Vergis)

Special Issues

  • Economic Sanctions and Order-Making: Towards a New Approach (Middle East Critique, forthcoming) (with Helyeh Doutaghi)

Articles and book chapters

  • ‘Towards a Marxist Feminist Approach to International Law’ in Grossman, Dawuni, Ramji-Nogales and Ruiz-Fabri (eds) Oxford Handbook on Women and International Law (OUP, forthcoming 2024) (with L Ullrich)
  • ‘The Material Constitution and Imperialism’ in M Goldoni and M Wilkinson (eds) Cambridge Handbook on the Material Constitution (CUP, 2023)
  • ‘To Embrace or To Reject: Marxism and the War Against COVID-19’ in R Hunter, R Khachaturian and E Nanopoulos (eds) Capitalist States and Marxist State Theory (Palgrave, 2023)
  • ‘Introduction’ in R Hunter, R Khachaturian and E Nanopoulos (eds) Capitalist States and Marxist State Theory (Palgrave, 2023)
  • ‘European Union’ in B Vogel (ed) Secret Evidence in Criminal Proceedings: Balancing Procedural Fairness and Covert Surveillance (Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 2022)
  • ‘From Class Project to Imperial Formation: The Role of EU Law in the Reconstitution of Europe’ in P O’Connell and U Ozsu (eds) Handbook on Marxism and Law (Edward Elgar, 2021)
  • ‘The European Union’ in R Seib and N Melzer (eds) Oxford Handbook of International Security Law (OUP, 2021)
  • ‘The Inherently Undemocratic EU Democracy: Moving Beyond the ‘Democratic Deficit’ Debate’ in The Crisis Behind the Euro-Crisis: The Euro-Crisis as a Multi-Dimension Systemic Crisis of the EU (CUP, 2019)
  • ‘Introduction’ and ‘Conclusion’ in The Crisis Behind the Euro-Crisis: The Euro-Crisis as a Multi-Dimension Systemic Crisis of the EU (CUP, 2019)
  • ‘Extraordinary Rendition, Secrecy and the UK Security Constitution’ in E Guild, M Gibney and D Bigo (eds) Extraordinary Rendition: Addressing the Challenges of Accountability (New York, Routledge 2018)
  • ‘The Effectiveness of EU law: Insights from the EU Framework on Asset Confiscation’, (2016) 24 European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 39 (with M Fazekas)
  • ‘Public Interest Considerations and Strategic Litigation: the Case of Plain Packaging in Europe’, (2016) 19 Journal of International Economic Law 1 (with R Yotova)
  • ‘European Human Rights Law and the Normalisation of the Closed Material Procedure: Limit or Source?’ (2015) 78 Modern Law Review 913
  • ‘“2014”: The Return of Big Brother’ (2014) King’s Review
  • ‘Judicial Review of EU Measures Implementing Security Council Resolutions and the Relevance of the Principle of Loyal Cooperation’ (2013) 15 Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies 669
  • ‘The Implementation of Charter Obligations in the EU Revisited’ (2013) 1 Hungarian Yearbook of European and International law 19
  • ‘The Fight against Terrorism, Fundamental Rights and the EU Courts: The Unsolved Conundrum’ (2012) 14 Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies 269.

Commentaries and reviews

  • ‘J Whyte, The Moral of the Markets: Human Rights and the Rise of Neoliberalism (Verso, 2019)’ State Crime, forthcoming
  • ‘N Scott, The National Security Constitution (Hart, 2018)’ (2020) Public Law, forthcoming
  • ‘H Barbazon (eds), Neoliberal Legality: Understanding the Role of Law in the Neoliberal Project (Routledge, 2017)’ (2020) Feminist Legal Studies, forthcoming
  • K Bradley, N Travers and A Whelan, Of Courts and Constitutions (Hart, 2014) (2015) 74 Cambridge Law Journal 364
  • ‘Killing Two Birds with One Stone? The CJEU’s Opinion on the EU’s Accession to the ECHR’ (2015) 74 Cambridge Law Journal 184
  • ‘Trust Issues and the European Common Asylum System: Finding the Right Balance’ (2013) 72 Cambridge Law Journal 276
  • ‘Insuring the Charter, Who Bears the Cost?’ (2011) 70 Cambridge Law Journal 506
  • ‘It is Time, Charter, Rise and Shine’ (2011) 70 Cambridge Law Journal 306
  • ‘The New UK Supreme Court, the Separation of Powers and Anti-terrorism Measures’, (with A Johnston) (2010) 69 Cambridge Law Journal 217.
  • M Cremona and B De Witte (eds), EU Foreign Relations Law: Constitutional Fundamentals (Hart Publishing, 2009) (2009) Cambridge Student Law Review 201.

Public Engagement


  • ‘Evaluation of the European Enforcement Order’ (with J Forsaith and B Irving) (RAND Europe, 2013)
  • ‘Impact Assessment on a Proposal for a New Legal Framework on the Confiscation and Recovery of Criminal Assets’ (with J Forsaith, B Irving and M Fazekas) (RAND Europe, Oct 2012).


  • Documentary, ‘Solidarity’ (premiere, Sheffield Doc Festival, 8 June 2018) (The documentary is about the blacklisting of trade unionists)
  • ‘Is Fascism Making a Come Back?’ State of Nature (5 December 2017)
  • ‘A Corbyn-led government should start by scrapping the Prevent Strategy’ Open Democracy (26 June 2017)
  • ‘Will Human Rights Law Actually Protect Us from Fascism’ Open Democracy (14 March 2017)
  • Interview on Counter-Terrorism, Cambridge TV (March 2016)
  • The Greek Elections: from ‘New Democracy’ to ‘Neo-Democracy’’? New Left Project (January 2015)
  • Interview for BBC World Service, Persian TV on the UK and EU sanctions against Iran, (April 2013).


  • ‘TTIP, Greece and the World’, Global Justice (March 2016)
  • ‘The Greek Debt’, Global Capitalism and its Critics Seminar Series, Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge (May 2015)
  • ‘Everything about TTIP’, People’s Assembly (October 2015)
  • ‘The New European Left’, Cambridge University European Union Society (Feburary 2015).

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